Kurdish women struggle for a new society in Rojava
The struggles of Kurdish women in Rojava Kurdistan became known to many people in the world during the brutal attacks of ISIS against the city of Kobane in northern Syria on September 15, 2014. While Kurdish men and women defended the city from ISIS militia men with limited ammunition and inadequate weapons, Kurds worldwide took to the streets to be voice for Kurds in Rojava and Kobane.
From the battle to defend Kobane onward, Western media and politicians have started to talk about the brave Kurdish women who are fighting against ISIS and its brutal treatment — including enslavement — of women.
Fidel Castro: 'We don't need anything from the Empire'
Despite big improvements in diplomatic relations between Cuba and the US in recent times, the US still maintains its more than 50-year-long economic blockade and its occupation of Guantanamo Bay — both of which Cuba's revolutionary government insists must end.
After US President Barack Obama's historic March 21 visit to Cuba, Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro penned a column for Granma that began: “We don't need the empire to give us anything. Our efforts will be legal and peaceful, because our commitment is to peace and fraternity among all human beings who live on this planet.”