
woman bucketing mud from her flooded home

The southwest monsoon, exacerbated by super typhoon Carina (Gaemi) has caused widespread flooding and devastation in the Philippines and Taiwan, killing 25 people and causing mass displacement, reports Susan Price.

protesters outside Congress in Washington DC

In the US, United Auto Workers leader Shawn Fain is being targetted because of his union's stance against Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza and support for divestment and a just transition for workers in the war industry, reports Malik Miah.

person holding a blank sheet of paper

Au Loong-Yu is a long-time Hong Kong labour rights and political activist who now lives in exile. In the second part of this interview with Green Left’s Federico Fuentes, he discusses China’s economic woes and the significance of the White Paper movement.

Korean war refugees walk past a tank

Korean peace activists are taking action around the world on July 27, the anniversary of the Korean War armistice, to call for a de-escalation of military tensions in the Korean Peninsula, reports Peter Boyle.

person with face turned

Green Left's Peter Boyle spoke with "Zaria", a Bangali activist with @deshisforliberation, about the struggle by students in Bangladesh for justice in the face of unprecedented repression.

protest at place de la republique in Paris July 18

Paris-based anticapitalist activist and Green Left contributor John Mullen spoke to German publication Marx21 on July 12 about the July 7 French election result and the immediate challenges for the left.


India's new criminal laws give the state more power to curtail rights and freedoms, reports Isaac Nellist.

flags of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong with Xi Jinping

Au Loong-Yu is a long-time Hong Kong labour rights and political activist who now lives in exile. In the first part of this interview with Green Left’s Federico Fuentes, he discusses China’s rise and tensions with the United States.

US aircaft carrier

Hawaiian activists are calling on nations who condemn the genocide in Gaza to withdraw from Rim of the Pacific war games, illegally hosted on Hawaiian land.

police spray protesters with tear gas

Amid economic turmoil, environmental crisis, escalating inequality, widespread despair and disillusionment, the far right is presenting itself as a “radical” and “anti-system” alternative, argues Brazilian socialist Mariana Riscali.

Boy holding onto a van

Mali, then Burkina Faso, and finally Niger have experienced coups d’état and subsequently formed the Alliance of Sahel States (AES). What should we make of this new reality for West Africa? Paul Martial provides his analysis.

Chinese city

Sam Gindin is the co-author of The Making of Global Capitalism: The Political Economy Of American Empire (with Leo Panitch). Green Left’s Federico Fuentes spoke to Gindin about the nature of the current tensions between states within global capitalism and whether China and Russia could replace the United States empire.