One million people voted to expropriate large landlords in Berlin last year, explains Sibylle Kaczorek.
Public housing
The biggest housing crisis Australia has ever experienced is fast becoming a humanitarian disaster. But, as Angela Carr argues, there are solutions.
Residents are fighting back against to the New South Wales government plans to demolish 749 public homes in Waterloo South. Andrew Chuter reports.
Sarah Hathway and Angela Carr say much more public housing and a freeze on rent is urgently needed to stop a social crisis. Pip Hinman reports.
Residents and advocates gathered to protest the state government’s proposal to demolish the Wentworth Park Road public housing estate. Isaac Nellist reports.
The Australian Greens' proposal for a two-year rent freeze is a workable and clear response to the housing crisis, writes Alex Bainbridge.
Public housing residents and supporters protested the proposed demolition of a Waterloo public housing estate. Rachel Evans reports.
Socialist Alliance candidates running in the Victorian elections say that solutions exist for the cost-of-living pressures. Jacob Andrewartha reports.
A lot more can be done for homeless people in Australia, argues Gerry Georgatos, including building more public housing and prioritising supports for the homeless.
Geelong Housing Action Group co-convenor Angela Carr says there is not enough housing for those who desperately need it. Chris Cherry reports.
Isaac Nellist reports on a regular picket by housing activists to call for a boost in public funding for public housing.
Activists have successfully prevented the eviction of a disability pensioner from his home — for now. Alex Bainbridge reports.
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