The Green Party of England and Wales has welcomed the news that Jeremy Corbyn has been re-elected as leader of the Labour Party.and called for him to form a grssroots-led progressive alliance with other left forces.
The veteran socialist MP was first elected Labour leader last year, despite beign a rank outsider in the contest, on the back of a strong anti-austerity platform. He was re-elected on September 23 with an even larger majority of almost 62% to allow him to continue to lead the rapidly growing Opposition party, which now has more than 600,000 members.
Green Party leaders Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas (pictured) said Corbyn's first job was bringing his own party together, after which he should seek to before joining with other progressives to form a grassroots-led progressive alliance.
Bartley said: “We send congratulations to Jeremy on being re-elected as Labour leader. After a bitter summer of infighting the Labour party should now unite around him for the sake of the country.
"It’s absolutely crucial that those of us on the progressive side of politics work together to best oppose what the Conservatives are doing to Britain – and begin discussions on how a grassroots led progressive alliance might best deliver a better Government for Britain at the next election.”
Lucas, also MP for Brighton, said: “Jeremy’s re-election is a vote of confidence in the principles which he represents. His task now is not only to bring own party together, but to present bold policies which genuinely address the biggest challenges we face today.
"For a start, we’re urging Jeremy to embrace a fair electoral system for the House of Commons, and to follow the views of his members by working with other progressives on a cross-party basis.
"The challenges of the 21st century require a modern, cross-party politics of big ideas. We look forward to working with Jeremy to oppose the Conservatives and to bring about a progressive government at the next election.”
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