Workers & unions

The Chris Minns government has known for at least 16 months about the 140 vacancies in the psychiatry workforce, but rather than rectify this it has gone on the offensive against public health professionals. Jim McIlroy reports.

While NSW Labor claims it cannot afford to pay medical professionals the same rates as their counterparts in other states, the public doesn’t buy it. Suzanne James reports.

molten steel pouring

Outgoing United States president Joe Biden has blocked Japan’s Nippon Steel from acquiring US Steel, citing national security concerns, reports Malik Miah.

protesting in South Korea

Eleven historic days of popular struggle sealed President Yoon Suk-yeol’s fate, following his declaration of martial law. Yoon’s impeachment represents a tremendous triumph of people power, but the struggle is not over, writes Won Youngsu.

zombie draped in flag

The Left Berlin’s Phil Butland spoke to Paris activist John Mullen about what French president Emmanuel Macron hopes to achieve with the appointment of new right-wing prime minister François Bayrou.

A vigil mourning the murders of several sex workers demanded full decriminalisation so that sex workers have control over their workplace conditions. Jacob Andrewartha reports. 

protesting in South Korea

When martial law was declared in South Korea, Melbourne resident Seona Cho immediately booked a flight back to Seoul, where she joined impeachment rallies and labour protests, standing in solidarity with workers fighting for democracy and justice. This is her account.

Isaac Nellist spoke with Green Left's Latin American correspondent Ben Radford about various grassroots struggles against mining and climate destruction, for workers' rights and access to education.

Construction workers protested outside the Fair Work Commission to demand that Esther Van Arend, a former Construction, Forestry Maritime and Employees Union health and safety organiser who had been unfairly sacked by the CFMEU administrator, be reinstated. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

Isaac Nellist talks to Socialist Alliance Merri-bek councillor Sue Bolton about the impact of the Woolworths warehouse strike and what it reveals about fighting for workers’ rights.

Woolworths workers have been under pressure to cut corners on health and safety, and work faster as part of a system known as “the framework”. Matthew Piggott reports.

Hundreds of people, including rank-and-file Construction Forestry and Maritime Employees Union members, attended a public meeting to discuss defending the union from Labor’s anti-union laws. Jordan AK reports.