
Colombo street

Despite winning a majority in Sri Lanka's parliament, the National Peoples Power government is struggling to gain momentum on the deep structural reforms required to guarantee people's economic wellbeing, protect the environment and fend off attempts by the far-right to capitalise on people's discontent, writes Janaka Biyanwila.

The Chris Minns government has known for at least 16 months about the 140 vacancies in the psychiatry workforce, but rather than rectify this it has gone on the offensive against public health professionals. Jim McIlroy reports.

Speakers told a rally that gendered violence is a “national emergency” and called on government institutions “to treat it as such”. Kerry Smith reports.


Michel Barnier and Lucie Castets

John Mullen looks behind the no-confidence motion in the French assembly and what this means for the struggle against the far right and for fundamental change.

Donald Trump’s victory has sent a wave of depression around the world, especially after the right-wing advances in Europe and the anti-immigrant race riots in England. Peter Boyle argues that the challenge for progressive movements has never been greater. 

Hundreds marched from Flemington to North Melbourne to oppose Victorian Labor’s plans to demolish 44 public housing towers. Darren Saffin reports.

Public housing tenants and advocates demanded genuine solutions to the housing crisis outside NSW Parliament on World Eradicate Poverty Day. Rachel Evans reports. 

Suzanne James speaks to WA Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John about changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme which passed in August.

Jill Stein meme

Support for Green Party Presidential candidate Jill Stein and Vice Presidential candidate Butch Ware is the highest since the party’s candidate Ralph Nader ran for president of the United States in 2000, report Barry Sheppard and Malik Miah.

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Isaac Nellist and Riley Breen are joined by Nova Sobieralski to discuss Labor's attacks on the CFMEU and the NDIS amendment bill, and talk to socialist council candidate Rachel Evans

woman not really happy

Be happy. Think of your wellness. Across organisations, private and public entities, government bodies and social clubs, the cult of contrived happiness abounds with ritualistic, clotting repetition, writes Binoy Kampmark.

Suzanne James talks to WA Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John about the Albanese government’s betrayal of the disability community by ignoring the bulk of the royal commission’s recommendations while defunding the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).