Syria: Turkey’s aims are ethnic cleansing, spreading terror

April 5, 2018
Civilians escaping from Afrin after Turkish army attacks.

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of Afrin Canton in Syria’s north, which is resisting Turkey’s occupation, has warned all Syrians that Turkey’s murderous attack aims at ethnic cleansing.

It released a statement on April 4, abridged below, in regards to the Turkish state’s goals in Afrin and Northern Syria.


In the ongoing civil war, northern Syria, unlike other areas of the country, was considered the safest region in Syria.

In particular, the city of Afrin, which has taken in hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people, was one of the most peaceful places.

The Turkish state could not accept this fact and attacked Afrin with NATO weapons and jihadist mercenaries. After 58 days of resistance, civilians have been evacuated to other places so as not to be exposed to the threat of massacres and barbaric attacks.

In this regard, we would like to draw attention to two points:

* The Turkish state intends to change the demographic structure of the region and bring a new Ottoman era to life. In order to realize its goals, the Turkish state incites the peoples of Syria to go to war with each other; and

* The peoples of Syria must reject the plans of the Turkish state and should not settle in the territories under Turkish occupation.

After Raqqa and Mosul, the Turkish state also intends to create a new capital of terror. To put this plan into action, Turkey uses the peoples of Syria to portray a new centre of terror as a threat to the Middle East and Europe, and to prevent Syria from becoming a safe country.

[Abridged from ANF News.]

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