Peter Boyle

The New South Wales Coalition government’s forced amalgamation of councils looks set to become an election issue. Peter Boyle reports.

Town and country united in a Keep Councils Local rally at NSW parliament, where speakers called on the Coalition government to act. Video by Peter Boyle.

The AUKUS nuclear submarine deal undermines nuclear non-proliferation, warned anti-war activist Nick Deane at the Sydney Hiroshima Day rally. Video by Peter Boyle.

Respected First Nations activist Reverend Ray Minniecon believes the people of Maralinga should be remembered alongside the victims of the 1945 nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Video by Peter Boyle.

NSW Greens Senator David Shoebridge has called on the federal government to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Peter Boyle reports.

Climate activists rallied to send a message to the Labor government that its recently legislated target of 43% emissions cuts by 2030 is not enough to avert catastrophic climate change. Peter Boyle reports.

Sydney's Hiroshima Day rally called on the Anthony Albanese Labor government to scrap the AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines deal and sign the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Peter Boyle reports.

The billions of dollars wasted on military spending and tax cuts for the rich should be used to fund renewables, argues Peter Boyle

Australian cinematographer Jake Lloyd Jones talks to Peter Boyle about the ongoing “David and Goliath struggle” between the Kurds and the Turkish state from Bashur (South Kurdistan) in northern Iraq.

Rallies supporting the call from Rojava for the United Nations to impose a no-fly zone over north and east Syria were held across the world on July 23. Peter Boyle reports on one of the first, in Sydney. 

Peter Boyle reports three socialist parties from the Asia-Pacific region have supported the call from Rojava for a no-fly zone to stop a threatened invasion by Turkey.

Rojava resistance

Progressives should support the call for a United Nations-imposed no-fly zone to block a new invasion by the Turkish state and allied Islamic fundamentalist terrorist groups, writes Peter Boyle.