Please join us for the 2024 Margaret Henry Memorial Lecture, 'Saving the planet: We must do more to support young climate activists,' presented by Dr Leslie Cannold, Associate Professor of Ethics and Practice and Resident Ethicist at the Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership, and introduced by Jasmine Stuart, Renewable Energy Engineer and Climate Activist - Rising Tide.
Dr Cannold will argue that those in her generation and older must do more to support young climate activists who tend to be the ones putting their bodies on the line in acts of civil disobedience, and that such radical action is needed to “yank governments into crisis mode”.
A medical ethicist and author who began her career working with Peter Singer, Dr Cannold is known for her ability to translate complex ideas for non-specialist audiences on social media, radio and TV, including a widely watched TEDx talk and repeated appearances on ABC TV’s Compass and Q+A. She has chapters in Destroying the Joint and The Australian Book of Atheism and her books include The Abortion Myth, What, No Baby? and the historical novel The Book of Rachael.
Margaret Henry Memorial Association (MHMA) exists to honour the far-reaching community activism of the late Margaret Henry, Freeman of the City of Newcastle. Margaret was a well known Newcastle activist. She is remembered for her fierce pursuit of social justice and the annual lecture in her name honours Margaret's commitment to social justice issues impacting our community.