Issue 1407


The Aboriginal Legal Service has described NSW Labor’s new knife laws as “another setback to Closing the Gap”. Kerry Smith reports.

The Australian National University has expelled a student for their pro-Palestine comments on ABC Radio. Kerry Smith reports.

The Fair Work Commission seemed to understand that awarding the lowest-paid quarter of the workforce an extra $33.11 a week would do little to ease the cost-of-living crisis. Jim Mcllroy and Pip Hinman report.

The University of Sydney is undertaking an investigation on its sociology Professor Sujatha Fernandes for alleged breach of the code of conduct. Valerie Chidiac and Ariana Haghighi report.

Several of the 100 children who took part in a unique people-to-people Australia-Palestine solidarity project have been killed in Gaza, along with some of the adults running the program. Peter Boyle reports.

Stop Israel's genocide, Naarm/Melbourne, June 2

Thousands rallied around the country on the 35th weekend of continuous protests against Israel's genocide. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Students demand that UQ divests from Israeli weapons companies

The University of Queensland committed to disclosing financial and research partnerships with weapons manufactures in return for the UQ Gaza solidarity camp shutting down. Sam Morris reports.

Communities in Bundjalung country are demanding Labor call a halt to Israel's war on Gaza. Nick Fredman reports.

The ANU students’ Gaza solidarity encampment lives on, supported by progressives on and off campus. Paul Oboohov reports.

Public sector workers are receiving pushback from an open letter calling on federal Labor to disclose and cease all military exports to Israel. Kerry Smith reports.

A passionate meeting at the University of Sydney encampment voted to reject management’s “offer” and students committed to staying over the winter break. Suelin McCarthy and Rachel Evans report.

Protesters occupy Graham Perrett's office

Pro-Palestine protesters occupied Labor MP Graham Perrett's office as part of a national day of action. Kerry Smith reports.

Polisario Front’s Australian representative Kamal Fadel has urged Fortescue not to undermine United Nations decolonisation efforts by making a deal with the occupation government in Western Sahara. Ron Guy reports.

ecosocialism 2024 speakers

A delegation of three Singaporean activists will join guests from around the world at the Ecosocialism 2024 conference in Boorloo/Perth. Fred Fuentes reports. 

More than 200 people attended a Palestinian film, food and music night, organised by Mountains for Palestine and Community Care Kitchen. Jenna Condie and Aaisha Slee report.

1500 UQ students vote to divest from apartheid Israel

Students voted overwhelmingly for the University of Queensland to cut ties with weapons manufacturers and divest from Israel at a 1500 strong meeting. Sam Morris reports.

Protesting at the Gold Coast Council

Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate has rejected local residents’ call for the city to end ties with the Israeli coastal resort city of Netanya, reports Susan Price.

The Jewish Council of Australia has renewed its call on federal Labor to pressure Israel to stop committing genocide, following Israel’s May 27 airstrike on Palestinians reduced to living in tents. Pip Hinman reports.

young people jailed

New South Wales Labor's harsh new bail laws have been widely opposed by First Nations, legal and community groups who say they will cause 'unspeakable damage', reports Pip Hinman.

The month-long Australian National University Gaza Solidarity Encampment decided to relocate to another part of the campus after management sent in security guards and threatened students with arrest. Kerry Smith reports.

Calls to end the removal of Aboriginal children from their families were made at rallies around the country to mark Sorry Day and the beginning of Reconciliation Week. Alex Salmon and Pip Hinman report.

Public sector unions and Unions NSW have rejected NSW Labor’s pay offer, saying it will not help retain existing workers, or attract new ones which are desperately needed. Jim McIlroy reports.

Assala Sayara speaking on May 19

Gather for Gaza rallied for a ceasefire and an end to Israel's occupation of Palestine. Kerry Smith reports.

Students at Curtin University who set up a Palestine solidarity encampment outside Vice Chancellor Harlene Haynes’ office say the Guild’s memorandum of understanding with management is inadequate. Alex Salmon reports.

The Nakba never ended, Walyalup/Fremantle, May 25

The 33rd week of continuous protests against Israel's genocide in Gaza took place the same week as the International Criminal Court sought arrest warrants and the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to abandon its military offensive in Rafah.

Armidale Friends of Palestine and the community protested Israel’s war on Gaza by unfurling a six-metre flag on the University of New England campus.

Socialist Alliance Merri-bek councillor Sue Bolton wants Labor to abandon the move from proportional representation to single-member wards. Darren Saffin reports.



Greg Barnes SC told Paul Gregoire that the 1000 or so Australians who have gone to fight with Israel should have been advised of possible ramifications upon their return. This is especially the case since the ICJ ruled that Israel is plausibly conducting genocide in Gaza.

Labor keeps repeating the lie that it is not sending weapons to Israel. Sam Wainwright, on behalf of Stop AUKUS WA, outlined how Australia is complicit in Israel's genocide in Gaza. Video by Alex Salmon.

Ecosocialism 2024

The theme of Ecosocialism 2024 is “Climate action not war” for good reason. It takes place shortly after scientists warn of catastrophic global heating and it takes place amid new global arms race. Sam Wainwright urges you to book your ticket.

NSW Greens Senator David Shoebridge has found out, via a FOI request, that as much as $600 million from the Australian Future Fund is going to weapons companies. Binoy Kampmark reports.


A Labor bill, currently in parliament, looks like it wants to shift the cost of NDIS to the states and territories. Graham Matthews argues the debate over future NDIS funding is an argument among thieves.

Rents must be frozen and the housing-price casino has to be shut down, starting with the tax rorts. Tax incentives should be available only for building new housing that adds to existing stock, argues Renfrey Clarke.

Suzanne James looks at Labor’s shock inclusion of proposed doxing laws in the Privacy Act Review and why it’s becoming a finial for transparency, accountability and investigative journalism.

In yet another public hand-out to fossil energy, NSW Labor has said the ageing Eraring coal-fired power station will stay open until 2027 to ensure a stable power supply. But there are other options, argue Zane Alcorn and Pip Hinman.

Most people are not buying the Labor government’s promise to address the severe cost-of-living crisis and they don’t think the Coalition would either. Peter Boyle reports.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton believes Israel’s leaders have been hard done by the International Criminal Court and suggests Australia cut ties to show its solidarity. Binoy Kampmark reports.

David Robie joins the Green Left Show to discuss the current revolt in Kanaky/New Caledonia.


Election poster for France Insoumise candidate and Palestine solidarity march

The June 9 European elections are shedding a sharp light on the political crisis in France, writes John Mullen.

Boris Kagarlitsky behind bars via video link

"Unjust but not unexpected" is how Suzi Weissman, spokesperson for the Boris Kagarlitsky International Solidarity Campaign, described the June 5 decision of a Russian court to reject Boris Kagarlitsky’s appeal against a five-year jail term for "justifying terrorism".

group of people in flood affected area

State Deputy Luciana Genro, a leading member of the Socialism and Freedom Party (PSOL), spoke to Green Left's Ben Radford about the flooding crisis in Brazil’s southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul, the government’s response and the solidarity efforts to help those affected.

women workers at a help desk, marching at May Day

Green Left's Peter Boyle spoke to Danaletchumi (Dana) Langaswaran, a Malaysian socialist and labour rights activist, about her experiences in organising contract workers and running a nationwide workers' helpline.

protesters and police

While Canada likes to style itself as a “peacekeeping nation”, it has become one of the world’s largest global arms dealers, reports Jeff Shantz. A substantial proportion of this bloody trade is done with Israel.

map of settler violence

While opposing Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Gaza, we should not forget another aspect of Israel’s genocidal project: the growing violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, argues Barry Sheppard.

Claudia Sheinbaum of the Morena party has been elected the new president of Mexico, according to the official preliminary results, reports Tamara Pearson from Puebla.

tally room screen and Mazibuko Jara inset

The African National Congress (ANC) lost its parliamentary majority in South Africa's May 29 elections. South African socialist Mazibuko Jara discussed the reasons for the ANC’s declining support and the rise of the recently formed uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) party, led by former ANC president Jacob Zuma with Green Left’s Federico Fuentes just prior to the elections.

protesters in Israel and head shot

Standing Together is a Jewish-Arab social movement that is part of a burgeoning movement for ceasefire inside Israel. Federico Fuentes spoke with national field organiser Uri Weltmann to find out more about this fledgling peace movement.

protesters with Kanak flags

Chloe DS, Jacob Andrewartha and Rob Zocchi from 3CR’s Green Left Radio show spoke with journalist Nic Maclellan on May 24 about the crisis in Kanaky, geopolitical factors in the Indo Pacific and the centrality of Kanak self-determination.

protest and co-chairs of the DEM party in Turkey

Leaders of Turkey’s pro-Kurdish opposition condemned the recent Israeli airstrike on a refugee camp in Rafah, Gaza, and called for Turkey to sever military and commercial relations with Israel, reports Medya News.

protesters outside an arms fair

Police repression against student Palestine solidarity encampments in Canada has urged unionists to come forward in defence of students, campus workers and Palestine solidarity activists, reports Jeff Shantz.

children playing on a van in a desert refugee camp

Marc B Sanganee visited a refugee camp in Western Sahara — home to the Sahrawi people and administered by the Polisario, which is fighting to liberate their homeland from Morocco.

unionists with signs

There were early signs of a victory for unionisation at Mercedes-Benz's Alabama factory in the United States, when more than two-thirds of the workers signed cards supporting a ballot for unionisation. But in a setback for the United Auto Workers' drive, the vote went against the union by 56% to 44%. Malik Miah looks at the reasons why.

Mural of Eloi Machoro

As the New Zealand and Australian media fussed over tourists stranded in Kanaky New Caledonia, Kanaks have been gripped in an existential struggle with a heavyweight European power determined to keep the archipelago firmly under the control of Paris, writes Eugene Doyle.


Skid Row Radio graphic

Sydney’s Radio Skid Row is a grassroots, community-driven radio station that has been a vital voice for marginalised communities since its establishment on Gadigal country in 1983, writes Manu Monteiro. The station has just kicked off its annual supporter drive.

Around 100 people attended the sold-out Brisbane premiere of the lively new climate action documentary Walanbaa Ngiiyani/Stronger Together, on May 25, reports Jim McIlroy.

Protest albums from May 2024

Mat Ward looks back at May's political news and the best new music that related to it.