US House passes sanctions bill against Turkey

November 1, 2019
Syrian forces join the Turkish assault in North East Syria.

The United States House of Representatives approved a bill to impose sanctions on Turkey over its military operation in Northern and Eastern Syria on October 30.

The bill was passed by the Democrat-controlled house with 403 votes in favour and 16 against. Those voting against included 15 Republicans and one Democrat.

If the bill also receives more than two thirds of the votes in the Senate, President Donald Trump will not be able to veto it.

Republican representative Gus Bilirakis said before the vote: “Turkey's current action in northern Syria against our Kurdish allies is extremely concerning and we cannot stand by and let egregious human rights violations happen.”

The bill includes sanctions against Turkey's ministers, suspending arms sales to Turkey and financial sanctions.

[Abridged from ANF News.]

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