Photos: Images from Disrupt Land Forces

September 12, 2024

The 2024 Land Forces arms exhibition in Naarm/Melbourne was greeted by three days of protest between September 11-13.

Excessive police violence against some 1500 anti-war and Palestine solidarity activists was a feature of the first day and was reproduced on subsequent days.

More than 1000 people protested outside Hanwha weapons company on September 12.

More photos can be found on the Green Left Facebook page here, here, and here.



Standing strong and peaceful against police violence, September 11
Standing strong and peaceful against police violence, Disrupt Land Forces, September 11. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
No mor war! Disrupt Land Forces, Naarm/Melbourne, September 11
No more war sign at Distrupt Land Forces, Naarm/Melbourne, September 11. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Message to the media: don't twist the narrative, September 13
Message to the media: don't twist the narrative, September 13. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Free West Papua, September 13.
Free West Papua, September 13. Photo: Brandon M
'Fuck the Elbit System', September 11
'Fuck the Elbit System', September 11. Photo: Jacob Andrewartha
Weapons of mass oppression, September 11
Weapons of mass oppression, September 11. Photo: Alex Bainbridege
Bombing children is not self-defence
Bombing children is not self-defence. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Sanction Israel, lead banner at "Hanwhat, Elbit out of Victoria" rally, September 12
Sanction Israel, lead banner at "Hanwhat, Elbit out of Victoria" rally, September 12. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Fund communities, not bombs, September 12
Fund communities, not bombs, September 12. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Healthcare worker: not a target!
Healthcare worker: not a target! Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Night picket at the end of the rally
Night picket at the end of the rally. Photo: Chloe DS
Sharing the love at Disrupt Land Forces, September 13
Sharing the love at Disrupt Land Forces, September 13. Photo: Brandon M
Hanwha and Elbit out of Victoria rally, September 12
Hanwha and Elbit out of Victoria rally, September 12. Photo: Jordan AK
Human Rights, September 11
Human Rights, September 11. Photo: Jordan AK
Police horses charge protesters, September 11
Police horses charge protesters, September 11. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Chanting: 'this is not a police state', September 11
Chanting: 'this is not a police state', September 11. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Police gather, September 11
Police gather, September 11. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
'Hands up, don't shoot!', September 11
'Hands up, don't shoot!', September 11. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
The war machine in guilty
The war machine in guilty. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
We want an unconditional and permanent ceasefire
We want an unconditional and permanent ceasefire. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Free Palestine, September 11
Free Palestine, September 11. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Running through the smoke
Running through the smoke. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Free Palestine, September 11
Free Palestine, September 11. Photo: Alex Bainbridge

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