Welcome to Green Left's live election blog for the Greek Elections! Dick Nichols, Vivian Messimeris and Athanasios Lazarou will be updating live from Athens throughout the day.
Voting has just begun in Athens and the big news is that the Coalition of the Radical Left party, SYRIZA, are widely believed to be set for a historic victory over the current New Democracy government. Led by the young and charismatic Alexis Tsipras, SYRIZA are set to become the first left wing party to hold power in Europe for decades and will be the first anti-austerity party to come to power in the Eurozone.
(Word on the street is that If Tsipras and SYRIZA loses, the country's entire opinion polling industry should retire.)
Follow along here: http://greenleftgreekelection.tumblr.com for rolling updates, interviews, articles, photos and more as we dive into the Greek political scene. First snap polls are announced at 7:00pm local time (Athens) and 4:00am (AEST).