After it was officially announced that the “yes” vote had won the February 15 referendum on a constitutional amendment that would remove limits on the number of times any elected official could stand in elections for public office with 54.4% of the vote, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez delivered a speech from the balcony of the Miraflores Presidential Palace, his two daughters beside him. The victory removes the current two-term limit will allow Chavez to stand in the presidential election when his current term finishes at the end of 2012.
As soon as the devastation of the Victorian bushfires became known, unions began organising to help bushfire victims.
— In late following the riots on Palm Island after death in custody of Mulrunji Doomadgee in 2004. Wotton was charged under anti-rioting legislation. Sydney's inner-west Film Fanatics has made an appeal to Queensland's governor Penelope Wensley
Twenty people attended a meeting to discuss the need for greater solidarity with Palestine on February 11. The meeting, organised by the Socialist Alliance, featured Abe Quadan, a Council member of the Centre of Peace and Conflict Studies at the
Thirty-five people packed into the Activist Centre on February 13 to hear Dr Brian Seneviratne speak on the present situation in the Tamil regions of Sri Lanka. The meeting was hosted by the Socialist Alliance. Seneviratne, who was born into the
The ACT Legislative Assembly debated draconian anti-bill posting legislation on February 11. The legislation was introduced by the ALP. The proposal penalties for putting up posters would be $10,000 for individuals — including event organisers
Sixty women gathered outside the Tasmanian parliament on February 13 — the day before Valentines Day — to urge Premier David Bartlett to not "tear the heart out of Tasmania". The women invited Bartlett on a "Valentines Day date" to the
One hundred people marched through Redfern on February 14 to mark the fifth anniversary of the death of a young local Aboriginal man, TJ Hickey. Hickey was impaled on a fence, allegedly as a result of a police vehicle chasing him and ramming his
Although the parish priest of St Mary’s Catholic Church in South Brisbane, Father Peter Kennedy, was summarily sacked on February 6, the parish’s 1000-strong congregation has vowed to defy the order and support their much-loved priest.
Like all people across Australia, Socialist Alliance members have been devastated by the Victorian bushfire tragedy, the greatest disaster in peace-time Australian history.
The longest strike in Anglo-Canadian history, at Toronto’s York University, has been suppressed by anti-union, legislation after a three-month long picket line.
Europe has all but exploded into the new year with a growing fightback against the policies that caused economic crisis across the continent. Millions of protesters are beginning to take on those responsible for the capitalist meltdown.