The following statement was released on May 15 by the Socialist Party of Malaysia. Read a statement issued by a number of Asian left groups on in solidarity with the Thai democracy movement.
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The Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) condemns Ahbisit's government and the military of Thailand for the latest round of violent assault on pro-democracy Red-Shirt protesters in Bangkok.
The military-installed Ahbisit government launched its recent attacks on pro-democracy Red-Shirt protesters beginning 13 May 2010, but cutting of basic supplies to the protesters’ camp and firing live rounds has left at least 50 people dead and scores injured.
Such harsh action taken by Ahbisit’s government following the bloody crackdown on 10 April 2010 shows that Ahbisit’s “road map” for reconciliation is flawed and that he has no intention of restoring democracy in Thailand.
Red-shirt pro-democracy protesters converged on Bangkok on 14 March 2010 and have continued until today because of the refusal of the military-backed Ahbisit government to resign and hold fresh elections. 25 people were killed and hundreds injured on 10 April 2010 when troops tried to clear protesters in Bangkok.
Violence continues in Thailand as the unelected government continues to rule. Royalist Yellow-Shirts have also threatened to resume their fascistic protest and support the use of repressive laws and violence against the pro-democracy movement.
Ahbisit who came into power through a fascist and judicial coup must be held responsible for all the lives lost in the clash and resign immediately. Further repression would not stop the ongoing conflict.
The Red-shirt pro-democracy movement has grown into the largest democratic movement in the history of Thailand and has shaken the power structure of the ruling elite especially the royalists.
The class struggle in Thailand has been intensified yet the challenge ahead is tremendous. If the Thai pro-democracy movement can overthrow oligarchic rule through massive mobilization from below and not through another military coup, it will be a great step forward for the Thai people in the task of building a real democracy with social justice based on people's power.
PSM reiterates its stand in supporting the mass pro-democracy movement of the Red Shirts in Thailand in their struggle for democracy and justice. PSM calls for:
- The immediate resignation of the military-installed Ahbisit government and the holding of fresh democratic elections.
- Lifting of emergency in Bangkok and 16 other provinces, withdrawal of all troops and restoration of civilian rule.
- A halt to all forms of violent crackdown and blockade against Red Shirt protesters. Respect the right of the people to organize, to protest and to strike.
- Bringing all Thai people together in an effort to solve political and socio-economic problems, recognizing that such efforts must stem from the power of the people.