Student encampment forces Uni of Melbourne to disclose weapons ties

May 23, 2024
Students celebrate their partial victory at the University of Melbourne. Photo: @sanashoots/Instragram

After a four-week Gaza solidarity encampment and a week-long occupation of Mamoud’s Hall (Arts West), the University of Melbourne has agreed to disclose its funding arrangements with weapons corporations.

Unimelb for Palestine said on May 22 it expects the university to disclose its ties to all weapons manufacturers, including Lockheed Martin, Boeing and BAE Systems, within a month.

It also said it will continue to campaign to ensure the university divests and takes a stand against Israel’s genocide of Palestinians.

Dana Alshaer, from Unimelb for Palestine, told the media conference: “The University’s decision is the result of eight months of pressure to disclose and divest.”

University management had threatened to bring in police to break up the encampment and Chancellor Jane Hanson is threatening to impose academic sanctions on protesters. Unimelb for Palestine has set up online petition to stop this happening.

The university is the first across Australia to concede to make a disclosure.

However, it has rejected the students’ demand to divest from the weapon’s industry.

Unimelb for Palestine said on May 23 said it was committed to pursuing all its demands and “will continue to fight”.

Students also thanked community leaders, organisations, students and staff who gave their unconditional solidarity to the encampment.

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