"When was the last time you saw Greeks protesting in support of the government?", Keep Talking Greece asked on February 5.
"Exactly this is happening right now outside the Parliament with crowds of people flocking to Syntagma Square and raise their voice against the decision of the European Central Bank, to stop accepting Greek bonds as collateral for granting liquidity.
"After years of iron barricades around the Parliament, the stunned protesters keep a distance to the area in front of the Parliament. Barriers were removed on January 28th 2015, by order of new alternate Minister of Public Order Yiannis Panousis."
Pappaspost.com said the next day: "The response [to the ECB's decision] was quick as calls to assemble in Syntagma Square went viral throughout Greece. Similar protests were held in Thessaloniki and other Greek cities.
"Protests in Greece usually make front page news — even abroad. Fiery molotov and buildings in flames have often appeared on front pages of major American newspapers with violent images showing clashes between demonstrators and riot police.
"Last night there were no police. There were no 'MAT' as the heavily suited riot police are called in Greece. There were no molotov cocktails.
"There were only chants against Germany and other European leaders’ 'blackmail' against the Greek nation and calls for unity amongst all Greeks to support their government as it pressed for a solution to the country’s debt crisis.
"Police and media estimate over 10,000 people in attendance at the rally."