
emissions from power plant and inset image of Jason Hickel

Jason Hickel, progressive anthropologist and author, gave the following speech at the 50th Anniversary Congress on the New International Economic Order, held in Havana, Cuba from April 28 to May 1.

group of people in flood affected area

State Deputy Luciana Genro, a leading member of the Socialism and Freedom Party (PSOL), spoke to Green Left's Ben Radford about the flooding crisis in Brazil’s southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul, the government’s response and the solidarity efforts to help those affected.

Students protesting and Mazibuko Jara inset

With South Africa's May 29 general elections approaching, Green Left’s Federico Fuentes spoke to South African socialist Mazibuko Jara about the African National Congress’s (ANC) prospects of holding onto power after 30 years in office and how the radical left is likely to fare.

VI Encuentro Ecosocialista

The 6th International Ecosocialist Encounter (VI Encuentro Ecosocialista), drawing together representatives from more than 50 organisations in 15 countries, was held from May 10–11 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Green Left's Ben Radford attended the event.

Mariana Riscali, a national executive member of the Socialist and Freedom Party, is confirmed to speak at Ecosocialism 2024. Fred Fuentes reports.

Ecosocialist Bookshelf

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents seven important new books on slavery, capitalism, rebellion and ecological revolution.

two men's faces

Moscow-based poet, translator, and activist Kirill Medvedev, of the Russian Socialist Movement (RSD), spoke with Green Left’s Federico Fuentes regarding the significance of opposition leader Alexei Navalny death in prison and the recent jailing of anti-war socialist Boris Kagarlitsky.

book cover

John Tully reviews Boris Frankel's memoir, which recounts his family's eye-opening experience emigrating from Australia to the Soviet Union in 1956.

book cover, man's face

Derek Wall reviews Hall Greenland’s biography of Michel Pablo, an Egyptian-born Greek revolutionary leader.

two women holding signs

The Frontline Socialist Party actively contributed to the 2022 popular uprising in Sri Lanka. Green Left’s Janaka Biyanwila interviewed Pubudu Jayagoda, who is the FSP’s educational secretary and central committee member about the party's organising work.

man's face

In the name of grassroots democracy and accountability, the people of Strasbourg are being given the opportunity to judge the performance of their local la France Insoumise deputy, Emmanuel Fernandes, reports Sarah Glynn.

Four Latin American presidents and former presidents

In the second part of his interview with Green Left’s Federico Fuentes, Brazilian author and socialist Pedro Fuentes discusses the crisis of imperialist hegemony, the unpredictability of contemporary politics and its impacts on Latin America.