US supreme court

Mexico’s senate passed a judicial overhaul that will see nearly all the country’s judges elected by popular vote instead of by government appointment. The hypocritical nature of the US reaction to the reforms is laid bare when looking at the deeply undemocratic judicial system in the US, writes Barry Sheppard.

US Supreme Court

The United States Supreme Court curtailed LGBTQ rights and struck down debt relief for students on June 30, reports Barry Sheppard.

The United States Supreme Court ruling on June 29 represents a major setback to First Nations peoples’ legal rights. Malik Miah reports.

Protests for abortion access in Australia were organised on the weekend of July 5–6 in several cities. Kerry Smith reports.

Supreme Court

On the heels of its decision to overturn 50 years of abortion rights and blunt the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Supreme Court has announced it will take up a case that could upend the country’s electoral laws, reports Malik Miah.

Ketanji Brown Jackson

Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed as the 116th justice of the Supreme Court on April 7, reports Malik Miah. While a victory, racism remains central to politics in the US.

With the death of Supreme Court judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, her iconisation has reached fever pitch, writes Benay Blend. But while she defended women's rights, she chose to ignore the rights of Palestinian and Indigenous peoples.

“I do not consent! I do not consent! Where is my representation?”

Those desperate words rang out in the Senate galley on October 6 as protesters tried to make the US Senate listen to the majority of people across the country opposed to the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

But the elected leaders of the “world’s greatest democracy” ignored the objections of protesters inside the Senate gallery — as 13 women were arrested for interrupting the vote over the angry shouts of Vice President Mike Pence, who repeatedly had to bring the process back to order.

Things can seem overwhelmingly dark these days, but at least we get to watch conservatives losing their shit over marriage equality. Reactionary heads exploded across the US over the June 26 US Supreme Court decision to effectively legalise same-sex marriage in all 50 US states. And in Australia, panic grows at the prospect that we may follow suit.