Turkey's war on Rojava

Rallies supporting the call from Rojava for the United Nations to impose a no-fly zone over north and east Syria were held across the world on July 23. Peter Boyle reports on one of the first, in Sydney. 

Rojava resistance

Progressives should support the call for a United Nations-imposed no-fly zone to block a new invasion by the Turkish state and allied Islamic fundamentalist terrorist groups, writes Peter Boyle.

YPG fighters

Sweden's Left Party (Vänsterpartiet) released a statement opposing the deal with Turkey to clear the way for Sweden's membership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

NATO summit Madrid

NATO has given the Turkish state the green light for genocide against the Kurds, after the deal struck between Turkey, Sweden and Finland, reports Peter Boyle.

YPG fighters

Academic and Australian Kurdish solidarity activist John Tully responds to the announcement that Sweden and Finland struck a deal with Turkey to betray the Kurds for NATO membership.

Kurdish community in Sydney calling on the United Nations to prosecute Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for crimes against women in the occupied canton of Afrin, reports Peter Boyle

A new wave of bombings is just the latest episode in Turkey's war against the Kurdish people, writes Chris Slee.

While the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's right-wing government continues to attack the liberated region of north and east Syria, writes Peter Boyle

Renowned British film director Ken Loach has signed the call to Boycott Turkish Government Sponsored Academic and Cultural Institutions.

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) Foreign Relations Committee wrote the following letter to the American people and United States President Donald Trump, responding to the comparisons made between the Kurdish movement and ISIS, amid the genocidal campaign of the Turkish state against the Kurdish people.

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“To the American people and President Donald J Trump,

More than 200 people attended a protest at Sydney Town Hall on October 12, organised by Rojava Solidarity Sydney and the Democratic Kurdish Community Centre (NSW). The protest was part of a global day of action against Turkey's genocidal invasion of North and East Syria.

Turkish forces have invaded Rojava — the Kurdish-majority multi-ethnic territory of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AA). In a telephone call to Turkey’s authoritarian President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, United States president Donald Trump gave the invasion a green light.