Isaac Nellist and Riley Breen are joined by Socialist Alliance national co-convenor Jacob Andrewartha to discuss the latest Closing the Gap report, far-right riots in Britain and the political situation in the United States heading towards the November election.
Donald Trump
Thousands rallied and marched on July 2 in solidarity with the United States campaign to defend abortion rights after the Supreme Court overturned the historic Roe v Wade ruling.
Donald Trump is aiming to take back the majority in the Senate and the House in November, aided by voter suppression, as stage one of his 2024 presidential re-election campaign, write Barry Sheppard and Malik Miah.
If there was any reason to halt a farcical train of legal proceedings, the case against Julian Assange would have to be the standard bearing example, argues Binoy Kampmark.
For now, the Republican Party remains Trump’s party. A mass response is the only way to stop neo-fascist, ultra-nationalist forces, argue Malik Miah and Barry Sheppard.
Studying the lessons of the attack on the Capitol and the events leading up to it is essential to defeating the white-supremacist, far-right threat, write Malik Miah and Barry Sheppard.
Democratic Socialists of America member Isaac Silver addressed the Socialist Alliance national conference about Donald Trump inciting his base to storm Capitol Hill and more.
As the Capitol Hill 'invasion' goes sour and Australian MPs rush to get their stories straight, let's not sweep the ugly truth about US 'democracy’ under the carpet, writes Pip Hinman.
Donald Trump may leave office and return to the bowels of financial speculation. However, the political base that sustained and reinforced his presidency will remain a powerful political force, writes Rupen Savoulian.
Donald Trump's defeat does not mean that Trumpism is dead. The struggles are going to have to continue, argues Alex Bainbridge.
Well-funded reactionary forces are using the COVID-19 shutdown to spread their unscientific views about how to deal with the pandemic, the World Health Organisation, the medical profession and scientists, writes Coral Wynter.
Just as horrific as the growing COVID-19 death toll and infection numbers in the United States is the spectacle of the daily tantrums of its megalomaniac President Donald Trump, writes Peter Boyle.
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