Photos: Sydney in solidarity with Colombia's National Strike

November 22, 2019

Members of Sydney's Colombian community and supporters gathered at Town Hall Square on November 21 to show solidarity with the National Strike set to take place later that day in Colombia.

Initially called by trade unions, the National Strike has grown to involve numerous sectors of Colombian society that oppose the nation's right-wing government headed by President Ivan Duque.

The Sydney rally was organised by United For Colombia and featured speakers from Colombia's indigenous community, the Latin America Social Forum and the Socialist Alliance, as well as various cultural and artistic performances.

Sydney in solidarity with Colombia's National Strike on November 21.
Sydney in solidarity with Colombia's National Strike on November 21.
Sydney in solidarity with Colombia's National Strike on November 21.
Sydney in solidarity with Colombia's National Strike on November 21. Photo: Fred Fuentes
Sydney in solidarity with Colombia's National Strike on November 21.
Sydney in solidarity with Colombia's National Strike on November 21.
Sydney in solidarity with Colombia's National Strike on November 21.
Sydney in solidarity with Colombia's National Strike on November 21. Photo: Fred Fuentes
Sydney in solidarity with Colombia's National Strike on November 21.
Sydney in solidarity with Colombia's National Strike on November 21. Photo: Fred Fuentes
Sydney in solidarity with Colombia's National Strike on November 21.
Sydney in solidarity with Colombia's National Strike on November 21. Photo: Fred Fuentes

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