Venezuela Analysis is the main English-language website, read around the world, providing serious news and analysis on the Bolivarian revolution under way int he Latin American nation. Green Left strongly supports VA's work, regularly reprints its articles and is proud of its collaboration with the site.
Below, is an appeal for financial support from VA to ensure it continues to get out the real story of the inspiring struggle of Venezuela's people for "socialism of the 21st century"
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Dear friend and supporter of Venezuelanalysis.com,
This year we witnessed an intensification of the bias, hypocrisy, ridicule, and distortion in the mainstream media’s coverage of Venezuela’s revolution. This was particularly virulent in the reporting of the presidential election campaign and subsequent re-election of Hugo Chavez.
From the context given to the campaign to the reporting of polling data, people were sold a false picture of Venezuela’s political and social reality. Against this, Venezuelanalysis.com worked tirelessly to provide you with an honest and contextual view of the campaign and its aftermath, with our writers working round the clock covering major campaign rallies, conducting interviews, attending polling stations, and writing analyses to accurately inform our readers on the events shaping the country’s future.
This [Northern] winter 2012, VA.com needs to raise a minimum of US $10,000 to maintain our operations, and it is through the support of readers like you that we are able to stay online. This year we managed to support three part-time journalists, enlarge our image and multimedia sections and launch a special effort to cover the presidential elections.
We are 100% independent and reliant on reader donations, so please hit the donate button and be a crucial part of the effort to continue and expand our work in the coming year:
* Donate or become a sustainer now: For those of you who are based in the US, we have 501(c)3 status and your donations are tax deductable. See what premiums we have on offer for new subscribers and donations of over $100.
* Send this letter to others who might be interested in VA and able to support our work! Share it in social networks like Facebook or Twitter.
With the Bolivarian revolution entering a crucial phase following Chavez’s re-election, corporate media will continue and intensify its campaign to distort Venezuela’s reality.This same media is trying to silence and ignore the growing movements for change against the austerity being imposed upon the 99% by the 1% in North America, Europe and beyond. Venezuela’s process has a lot to teach these movements and the wider world.
2013 will be Venezuelanalysis.com’s 10th year in operation.If we beat our fundraising target, we want to be able to expand our writing team and fund writer’s transport to important events and their own in-depth research.
We also want to launch new projects such as publishing a new book, a photo album of our best images, and creating a CD of contemporary radical Venezuelan music groups.
So please help us to continue cutting through corporate spin and bring you the unique news and analysis that you need to stay on top of on one the most important transformations underway in the world today.
Donate now, and spread the word!
The VA team, November 2012
Gregory Wilpert, Kiraz Janicke, Tamara Pearson, Jan Kühn, James Suggett, Michael Fox, Federico Fuentes, Eva Golinger, Rachael Boothroyd, Ewan Robertson, Chris Carlson.