ADELAIDE — Unprecedented strike action by more than 15,000 state public servants will shut down many offices and services on March 26, in protest at the state government's failure to improve its pay and conditions offer. The state government is
The Passion of the ChristWritten and directed by Mel GibsonWith James Caviezel, Maia Morgenstern and Monica BellucciShowing at major cinemas REVIEW BY SOL SALBE Let me start by laying my cards on the table. I am an atheist Jew, and an Israeli to
Bill Mason, Brisbane "The decision by Lord Mayor Tim Quinn to reverse previous ALP council policy of supporting safe injecting rooms and heroin trials in Brisbane is a major setback to a reasonable drugs policy in this city", Coral Wynter,
On March 10, resources minister Ian MacFarlane introduced bills into both houses of Australian parliament that would pressure the East Timorese government to ratify the highly unfair international unitisation agreement. This agreement, between
Jody Betzien, Melbourne On December 31, Victorian housing minister Candy Broad released a consultation document on the government's Strategy for growth in housing for low-income Victorians. While Broad claims the strategy, which involves the
Alison Dellit About 8 million people across Spain rallied on March 12, to protest against political violence. The protests were very broad — Popular Party ministers joining anti-war activists and others. The largest protest was in Barcelona,
Ruth Ratcliffe, Sydney On March 11, 35 workers attended the first meeting of the Construction Workers' Compensation Support Group. An initiative of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), the meeting was organised by Wayne
New York TownBlack 47Gadfly RecordsOrder at <http://www.gadflyrecords.com>. REVIEW BY BILL NEVINS Black 47 opens New York Town with a fierce, loping tribute to the St. Patrick's Battalion (the San Patricios), a band of Irish-American
Maria Voukelatos US Senator John Kerry, now the sole Democratic Party candidate in this November's US presidential election, has called for an expansion of the US Army by an extra 40,000 "active service" troops. Kerry's call reflects a growing
A dozen protesters gathered at the Magistrate's Court in Melbourne on March 11 in support of Women for Peace activist Reta Kaur. She has been charged with $9000 in criminal damages for writing slogans against the Iraq war outside the US consulate
1 Schools funding policy condemned Prime Minister John Howard's March 11 announcement of a new federal funding policy for schools was condemned by Greens Senator Kerry Nettle. "Today's announcement decreases the public schools sector share of
Rohan Pearce "Somewhere down the line, we became an occupation force in [Iraqi] eyes. We don't feel like heroes any more... We are outnumbered. We are exhausted. We are in over our heads." — a website posting by Isaac Kindblade, a US Army private