Two thousand people took over a major roadway in Brisbane on June 21, standing and sitting down. Buses and cars were stopped for at least 30 minutes.

The action was a prelude to future “Stop the city to stop Adani” rallies, if approval for the Adani coal mine is not withdrawn.

A couple of thousand people also rallied in Melbourne, and in Perth, Extinction Rebellion held a disruptive “die in” of several hundred in the CBD on June 22.

Aboriginal rights activists rallied in Sydney on June 29 against the Northern Territory Intervention on the 12th anniversary of its becoming law.

They chanted: “They resist, we resist. Stop the intervention” and “They come by night, they come with stealth, stealing Aboriginal wealth.”

The protest was organised by Stop The Intervention Collective Sydney.

One of the sectors hardest hit by Venezuela's economic crisis is the nation’s LGBTI community. Lacking access to life-saving medicines and denied certain rights, activists say there is still much to be done within the revolution, writes Federico Fuentes.

This image captured Labor’s class betrayal on July 3, the first day of the new federal parliament, when it voted with the Coalition government for tax cuts for the rich.

Strikers stopped public transport, blocked roads and held street demonstrations in 380 cities across Brazil on June 14.

Despite widespread opposition to new coal, state governments gave final approval to two mines last month. As community opposition to new coal mines has grown, the mining lobby is fighting back demanding state governments cut funding to environmental defenders.

The Sudanese community and supporters turned out across Australia on June 22 and 30 in support of the revolution in Sudan.

Rallies in Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra and Sydney have featured energetic dancing, poetry and singing, with protesters chanting “Peace, justice, freedom in Sudan” and “End the killings now”.

The rapidity with which homophobic rugby player Israel Folau raised $2.2 million for his fight against Rugby Australia is just the latest example of how easy it is to monetise hate these days. It is a morbid symptom of a capitalist system plumbing the depths of moral bankruptcy.

In tandem with its economic war on China, the United States has ramped up its military presence in the Indian and Pacific Ocean regions, extending the “Pacific pivot” that began under former president Barack Obama.

Palestinian leaders have criticised US President Donald Trump’s much-hyped and long-awaited vision for Middle East peace, unveiled on June 25 in Bahrain, as more neo-colonialist containment.

On June 24, Lord Mayor Clover Moore called on the City of Sydney council to declare a climate emergency. The motion passed unanimously, and Sydney joined a snowballing list of councils globally that have made similar declarations. But as the dust of the federal election settles and a sleepy giant begins to stir in the Galilee Basin, what will be the significance of Sydney council’s words, asks Reece Gray?

A joint statement in solidarity with the protests in Hong Kong initiated by the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) has been supported by nearly 60 international organisations and parties.