Latin America & the Caribbean

Activists march through Xochimilco, Mexico, protesting against corporations

Climate change is disrupting and harming our lives, writes Tamara Pearson, so we need to disrupt and force change.

Protest in Chile

Nearly 80% of Chileans voted to draft a new constitution, but less than two years later, about 62% chose to reject the draft in a plebiscite on September 4. Ana Zorita explains why.

Haiti protest 2015 cr Georgia Popplewell/Flickr CC By NC SA 2_0

A cycle of protests began in Haiti in July 2018, and, despite the pandemic, has carried on since then, writes Vijay Prashad.

A majority of Cubans voted in favour of a new families code that allows same-sex couples to marry and adopt children. Ian Ellis-Jones reports.

Home in Puerto Rico destroyed by Hurricane Maria in 2017

The blackout that engulfed Puerto Rico when Hurricane Fiona laid bare the impacts of austerity and privatisation carried under United States fiscal control, reports Barry Sheppard.

private wind farms

While wind farms are touted as climate solutions, profit-hungry companies are actually causing widespread damage, reports Tamara Pearson.


Don Fitz explores the intertwined reasons behind why life expectancy in the United States dropped almost three years between 2019–21, while, in Cuba, it rose by 0.2 years.

Hurricane Fiona

Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico in 2017. Then the power grid was privatised in 2020. Now this, reports Jon Queally.

More than 61% of voters rejected Chile’s new constitution. This was a punishment for the Gabriel Boric government’s inability to address the problems of the people, write Taroa Zúñiga Silva and Vijay Prashad

Far-right president Jair Bolsonaro has used the bicentennial of Brazil’s Independence to ratchet up the heat in the country’s presidential election campaign, writes Federico Fuentes.

Yo Apruebo rally in Chile

Right-wing groups ran a campaign of disinformation to undermine support for the “Yes” vote in Chile's constitutional referendum, reports Ana Zorita.

Baby Cuban crocodile

Cuban scientists are racing to save the critically endangered Cuban crocodile — the world’s rarest, reports Ian Ellis-Jones.