
Book covers

Water, farming, nuclear tests, copper mining, new biology, and sugar. Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents six books to help understand and change the world.

Protesters called for solutions to the housing crisis in a rally organised by the National Union of Students, Get A Room and the NSW Greens. Jim McIlroy reports.


The Kurdish community and supporters gathered at New South Wales Parliament to mark 100 years of the Treaty of Lausanne. Isaac Nellist reports.

Paradise Bombed

International scrutiny of Indonesia's brutal occupation of West Papua was given a boost with the release of the documentary Paradise Bombed, which details Indonesia’s military occupation of West Papua and its 2021 bombing of Kiwirok and surrounding remote mountain villages, reports Leo Earle.

atomic bomb

The new blockbuster film Oppenheimer has raised complex questions on the nature of the society that permitted such bombs to be developed and used and the stockpiling of nuclear arsenals that can destroy the world many times over, writes Prabir Purkayastha.

Saroj Dutta commemoration

Members of the All India Students Association and the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) — Liberation gathered in central Kolkata on August 5 to mark 52 years since one of the party's founders, Saroj Dutta, was murdered, report Isaac Nellist, Jacob Andrewartha and Chloe DS.

Shon Faye The Transgender Issue

Alex Salmon reviews Shon Faye’s debut book, The Transgender Issue: An Argument for Justice.

Cluster munitions

Fred Leplat, on behalf of British organisation, Anti*Capitalist Resistance, critically examines the controversial supply of cluster munitions from the United States to Ukraine.

Kurds and their supporters rallied as part of global protests over the "canceling" of Kurdistan in Treaty of Lausanne, 100 years ago. Peter Boyle reports.

2019 protest in Chile

Bárbara Navarrete, newly-elected secretary general of the Communist Youth of Chile speaks to Taroa Zúñiga Silva.

US civil_rights_march_on_washington

A ruling by the far-right super majority on the US Supreme Court has falsely asserted that the United States is and has always been a “colour-blind” country, writes Malik Miah.

Sand film 2023

Janaka Biyanwila reviews Sand (Munnel in Tamil), directed by Visakesa Chandrasekaram, which screened at the Sydney Film Festival.