
Jubilee Lake Holiday Park has been run by a cooperative since 2011.

Putting holiday destinations under community control could create low-cost alternatives for working people suffering under the cost-of-living crisis. Rachel Evans reports. 

Man holding big bag of money

Despite their ballooning wealth, the corporate rich are using their power to demand more tax breaks and protect their industrial-scale tax dodging. Peter Boyle reports.

Container ship and port

Pedro Fuentes, a leader of the Socialist Left Movement (MES), a tendency within Brazil’s Socialism and Freedom Party (PSOL) speaks to Green Left’s Federico Fuentes about imperialism’s new phase, ecological crisis and international solidarity.

book cover with background image of protest

Federico Fuentes reviews Uprising: The October Rebellion in Ecuador, an exceptional look at the October 2019 anti-neoliberal insurrection from the perspective of one of its central leaders.

flags of Brazil, India, China, Russia, South Africa

In the first of our two-part interview, South African political economist and author Patrick Bond discusses modern-day imperial power and the role BRICS countries play in maintaining United States dominance with Green Left's Federico Fuentes.

The final report of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Review is difficult reading for many people with disability because its central aim is cost-cutting, argues Graham Matthews.

computers with market figures

Marxist sociologist and author William I Robinson speaks to Green Left’s Federico Fuentes about how contradictions between a globally integrated economy and a nation-state-based system help explain, among other things, rising US-China tensions.

Rising Tide and Green Left co-hosted a forum on how to sustainably move away from coal when it’s been communities' livelihood for generations. Jim McIlroy reports.

sewing cooperative

French solidarity activist Patrick Le Tréhondat spoke with members of Ukraine’s ReSew sewing cooperative.

The Reserve Bank claims to be impartial, but the big banks are big winners from the rise in interest rates. Peter Boyle explains.

Mobile phone with no signal

The nationwide outage of Australia’s second-largest telecommunications companies should prompt a reconsideration of bringing these essential services under public ownership, argues Isaac Nellist

The Maritime Union of Australia, along with other unions and environmental groups, is campaigning to for an offshore wind farm industry in the Illawarra, near Wollongong. Jim McIlroy reports.