
Anti-poverty activists and welfare recipients called on Social Services minister Amanda Rishworth to raise welfare payments on the International Day for Eradicating Poverty. Isaac Nellist reports.

Paris protest

An estimated 140,000 people marched in Paris, France, on October 16 to demand greater investment in climate action, higher wages and an emergency freeze on the prices of groceries, rent, and energy, reports Julia Conley.

The stage three tax cuts would cost the budget billions

Federal Labor is softening us up for more budget cuts, as interest rates continue to climb and a recession looms. Sue Bull reports. 

Tax the billionaires, scrap the stage three tax cuts

Greens, Socialist Alliance and Australian Progressives protested against the stage 3 tax cuts for the rich at Treasurer Jim Chalmers' Logan office. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Gustavo Petro

Colombian President Gustavo Petro denounced climate inaction and called for an end to the war on drugs in his impassioned speech to the United Nations general assembly on September 20, reports Ana Zorita.

Australia’s slide towards war has continued since the May election, and Labor's war powers inquiry may do nothing to stop it. Alison Broinowksi reports.

Haiti protesters against food insecurity and increasing poverty

Hundreds of thousands of Haitians took to the streets protesting the government’s request for foreign military intervention in Haiti. Tanya Wadhwa reports.

Barangaroo has opened under new management and its rival Star Entertainment Group is now in the regulator’s cross hairs. Suzanne James reviews the state of play in Australia’s post-Bergin casino industry.

The connection between the manufactured debt crisis in the global South, the collapse of public health systems and the continuing disastrous financing and use of fossil fuels were discussed  at Ecosocialim 2022. Chloe DS reports.


Cuban musicians

Cuba’s tourism industry has been picking up after the COVID-19 pandemic brought it to a halt, but the United States' latest aggressive action seriously threatens its viability, reports Ian Ellis-Jones.

The media’s attention is largely focused on personal data and privacy, but we need to examine what data is being collected, how it is being used and better systems to protect personal data, argues Vivien Miley.


An inflationary tsunami is passing through the world economy, creating economic disorder — in some cases acute political crisis — in every country it touches, writes John Ross.