How Capitalism Will Kill Us All If We Let It

Classes & reading circles
Conferences & public forums
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle


1:00pm Sunday 19 May


Boorloo Activist Centre
15/5 Aberdeen St (next to McIver Station)
Perth WA


Join us for a deep dive into the works of ecosocialists including John Bellamy Foster and Kaito Saito. Find out how capitalism creates ecological problems, and how degrowth communism can heal the earth and save the planet.
Nova Sobieralski, BA Philosophy
Petrina Harley, Climate Activist.
This educational will be held on Wadjuk Noongar Land. Sovereignty was never ceded, always was and always will be Aboriginal land. Socialist Alliance and Green Left stand in Solidarity with the Indigenous people in the fight for land rights, freedom from incarceration, and liberation from the imperialist state.

Contact details

Socialist Alliance
0412 751 508

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