This rally at Port Botany is part of a day of action at ports across Australia demanding trade sanctions and an arms embargo on the Apartheid state of Israel.
As Israel steps up the genocidal assault on Rafah and across the Gaza strip, we need to escalate pressure here to break Australian complicity.
The Palestine Justice Movement Sydney and Trade Unionists for Palestine have held a number of actions at Port Botany, supported by the Maritime Union of Australia. We have targeted the Israeli ZIM shipping line. Now we are expanding this campaign to demand an end to ALL trade with Apartheid Israel.
We are encouraged by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) statement on April 22 calling for an end to military trade with Israel and want to build on this momentum.
This will not be a picket or blockade, but a march through Port Botany negotiated with police. We want this action to be safe for all participants.
Shipping companies operating in all Australian ports to declare any trade or cargo with Apartheid Israel.
Impose an arms embargo and trade sanctions on the state of Israel.
State governments to withdraw the charges against MUA and other union officials, and activists advocating for a ceasefire and an end to the genocide in Gaza.
You can book seats on a bus to the port from Central, Bankstown and Liverpool stations via this link: https://bmvmk.r.sp1-brevo.net/.../SMK1E8tHeG.../-1dHtNf_-HjG
Port Botany is located on stolen Bidjigal Land. We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of these Lands and pay our respect to Elders past and present. Sovereignty has never been ceded. It always was and always will be Aboriginal land.