
RAFFWU members at May Day in Brisbane

Retail and Fast Food Workers’ Union secretary Josh Cullinan spoke to Isaac Nellist about the Senate inquiry into supermarket prices. 

On the day that climate scientists said the world is heading for 2.5°C global warming, Labor announced it would accelerate major new fossil fuel projects beyond 2050. Colin Hughes reports.

Protest in Argentina May 2024

Since taking office in December, far-right Argentine President Javier Milei has embarked on a program of public spending cuts, leading to suffering for millions. But his neoliberal reforms and severe austerity are being met with growing grassroots resistance, reports Ana Zorita.

Federal budgets are about choosing where public money should be spent. Instead, governments cynically use them to manipulate public fears and expectations, argues Peter Boyle.

Ecosocialist Bookshelf

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents eight recent books for people who want to change the world.

collage of protest pictures

Pro-Palestine activists across Canada heeded the global call on April 15 to occupy, blockade and picket economic targets across the country, reports Jeff Shantz.

Greens Senator David Shoebridge and anti-war activists spoke out against the global rise in military spending. Jim McIlroy reports.

We breathed a sigh of relief when Justice Michael Lee found that Bruce Lehrmann, on the balance of probabilities, raped Brittany Higgins. Sue Bull ponders how we are going to stop the crisis of violence against women.

Richard Marles and submarine

Richard Marles, Deputy Prime Minister and defence minister committed hundreds of billions of dollars to defence spending over the next decade. Pip Hinman reports.

Blockading the offices of Mediterranean Shipping Company

Protesters blockaded the offices of Mediterranean Shipping Company as part of an international economic blockade against Israel. Alex Salmon reports.

speakers for Ecosocialism 2024

First Nations leader Megan Krakouer and Indian communist Clifton D’Rozario have been confirmed to speak at the Ecosocialism 2024: Climate Action Not War being held in Boorloo/Perth over June 28–30. Fred Fuentes reports.

man's face senegal flag

Opposition figure Bassirou Diomaye Faye, a former tax inspector from the Patriots of Senegal party (PASTEF), was sworn into office as Senegal’s new president on April 2 after his historic election on March 24. Susan Price looks at the factors behind his victory.