Socialist Alliance

Socialist Alliance Sydney candidate Andrew Chuter is pioneering short YouTube videos to take the campaign message beyond the usual suspects. Peter Boyle reports.

Jacob Andrewartha argues why its important to put Socialist Alliance number 1 in this election.

Socialist Alliance Victorian Senate candidate Felix Dance criticised the Coalition's “khaki election” strategy, saying “war is a racket”.

Socialist Alliance candidate for Leichhardt Pat O'Shane discusses some of the critical issues in this federal election: housing, healthcare, education and First Nations peoples' rights. 

Sue Bolton, Socialist Alliance candidate for Wills and a Moreland City Councillor, argues that Labor's "small target" election strategy risks helping the right make more gains.

Socialist Alliance candidate for Sydney and respected public housing, transport, resident action and trade union activist Andrew Chuter talks about about his practical vision for a socialist future.

Suzanne James spoke to Socialist Alliance candidate for the NSW Senate Dr Niko Leka about refugee and asylum seeker policy, addressing the climate crisis and the need for universal health care.

Suzanne James spoke to trade unionist and Socialist Alliance candidate for the Victorian Senate Angela Carr about Australia’s economic and social equity crisis.

Suzanne James spoke to Angela Carr, Socialist Alliance candidate for the Senate in Victoria, about housing, health, National Disability Insurance Scheme and the party's plans to address the growing socio-economic inequality crisis.

Socialist Alliance candidate for the Geelong seat of Corio Sue Bull says the one-off $250 cost-of-living payment for pensioners and others struggling to survive on welfare was "an insult".

Socialist Alliance NSW Senate candidate Paula Sanchez told Alex Bainbridge that 'socialism is the light at the end of the tunnel'.

Society can take the measures urgently needed to address the climate emergency if we have an economy run for people and the planet, said Socialist Alliance NSW Senate candidate Rachel Evans.