
Protesters gathered at Parliament House to demand the Labor government apply diplomatic pressure to the British and United States governments to drop the political case against Julian Assange. Kerry Smith reports.

Beware powerful people who claim that democratic governments in the United States, Britain and Australia administer justice always according to some time-honoured principle about rules of law, argues Stuart Rees.

Supporters of free speech and whistleblowers gathered outside the Tasmanian Parliament to mark Julian Assange’s birthday. Jo Errey reports.

Free Julian Assange

Kamala Emanuel reviews Nils Melzer's highly readable book, which offers a wealth of information on the ongoing persecution and torture of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Activists called on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to “get on the phone” to the United States and British leaders to free Julian Assange. Jim McIlroy reports.

The only shock about the British Home Secretary’s decision to extradite Julian Assange to the US was that it did not come sooner, writes Binoy Kampmark.

Julian Assange is being held at Belmarsh, Britain’s most secure and infamous prisons, and crushed by judicial procedure. But, as Ithaka shows, in his supporters, he has some vestigial reminders of a life outside, writes Binoy Kampmark.

Asked recently how he would act on his promise to help Julian Assange, Anthony Albanese implied he was working to bring the matter to a close. Binoy Kampmark wonders if he will.

Mike Pompeo and Julian Assange

Former CIA director and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been summoned to testify on the conduct of a private security firm hired to spy on Julian Assange while he was in the Ecuadorian embassy, reports Binoy Kampmark.

Activists protested outside Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's Marrickville office, asking him to “Make Julian Assange’s freedom top priority”. Rachel Evans reports.

The Hunter Asylum Seeker Advocacy screened Ithaka, a film about Julian Assange, with his father John Shipton a keynote speaker. Niko Leka reports.

Free Julian Assange

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's fate now rests in the hands of British Home Secretary Priti Patel, writes Binoy Kampmark.