
chinese flag and man's face

Hong Kong labour rights and political activist Au Loong-Yu talks to Green Left’s Federico Fuentes about China’s position in the world today and its implications for peace and solidarity activism.

US China Asia Pacific

Filipino socialist activist and Party of the Labouring Masses (PLM) chairperson Sonny Melencio speaks with Federico Fuentes about global imperialism and the Filipino left’s response to the threat of a US-China war.

US espionage

Secret United States government documents leaked onto social media platform Discord reveal how the US and its military is striving to reestablish hegemony — targeting adversaries and pressuring allies, report Malik Miah and Barry Sheppard.

The aggressive questioning of China’s ambassador Xiao Qian’s presentation to the National Press Club showed how the bourgeois media stirs animosity towards China. William Briggs reports.

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi's tour of Asia has deliberately and in a calculated manner heightened tensions in the region, writes William Briggs. It was designed to be provocative and has succeeded.

The sabre rattling of the United States and its allies grows as capitalism’s crisis sharpens, writes William Briggs