Public housing

Housing is a human right was the theme of the Housing Alliance lutruwita/Tasmania and Grassroots Action Network Tasmania protest outside Parliament House. Jenny Forward reports.

Socialist Alliance candidate for Sydney and respected public housing, transport, resident action and trade union activist Andrew Chuter talks about about his practical vision for a socialist future.

The rally in Redfern

The NSW government wants to sell a vacant site in Redfern that was previously 100% public housing to its property developer mates. Peter Boyle reports.

Western Australia is in the midst of its worst-ever housing crisis: an increasing number of suburbs have rental vacancy rates of 0%, meaning they go as soon as they are advertised. Janet Parker reports.

A forum hosted by RedWatch rejected the NSW government's plans to eradicate public housing in the Waterloo South redevelopment, Dillon Jeremiassen reports.

Angela Carr is a union delegate, community services worker, housing justice campaigner and Socialist Alliance candidate for the Victorian Senate. She says collectivist, socialist solutions are needed for the multiple crises we face.

Hands off Glebe and Action for Public Housing hosted an online forum to discuss how best to defend New South Wales public housing from the state government’s plan to sell it off. Rachel Evans reports.

Long-term community and union activists Andrew Chuter and Rachel Evans will run for the Socialist Alliance in the New South Wales Senate. Jim McIlroy reports.

Federico Fuentes speaks to housing activist Thomas McGath about the campaign to liberate housing in Berlin from the market.

Residents are continuing to call on the NSW government to stop its destruction of public housing in Glebe and Eveleigh. Rachel Evans reports.

The latest Green Left Show, featuring Angela Carr, Sam Wainwright, Emily Bullock and Amy MacMahon, takes a look at the housing crisis in Australia, the relationship it has to domestic violence, and possible solutions as well as challenges in achieving them. 

The property-owning class has come out of the pandemic richer and more determined to get even wealthier. Peter Boyle takes a look at what can be done to revert this situation.