Our Common Cause

As corporations increase prices and cause inflation, nearly everyone is feeling the pinch. Socialist Alliance is contesting the Victorian elections to help win pro-people changes by giving voice to grassroots campaigns.

Premier Andrew’s energy announcement is a nod to the failures of privatisating the energy sector and the growing pressure to speed up the transition, argues Sarah Hathway.

Progressives need to build support for the right of the peoples of the Pacific to self-determination, free from interference, including from our own government, argues Sam Wainwright.

The biggest housing crisis Australia has ever experienced is fast becoming a humanitarian disaster. But, as Angela Carr argues, there are solutions.

Socialist Alliance extends its solidarity to the mass protest movement in Iran that has developed in response to the killing of Mahsa Amini by the Iranian authorities.

Any call for a republic that is disconnected from addressing the very real social and ecological crises will not be enough, argues Sam Wainwright.

Earthcare not warfare

Not only are we being told to prepare for war with China, but to expect it. It’s the stuff of nightmares, writes Sam Wainwright.

The rising cost of living and the strain on public services mean Labor must junk its support for the Coalition's stage 3 tax cut policy, argues Mary Merkenich.

Early childcare workers are going on strike for better pay and urgent action on staff shortages, reports Jacob Andrewartha.

The Scott Morrison multiple-portfolio saga is just the tip of the credibility crisis plaguing politics. Sam Wainwright argues we need to look a lot further than the restoration of Westminster conventions.

The crisis in public education will not be solved by pitting teachers against each other or outsourcing responsibility for graduates' jobs. Mary Merkenich argues for greater funding for smaller classes and more teachers on fair wages.

Claims that Labor’s 43% climate emissions bill will bring “an end to the climate wars” are wrong: it will make it harder to ensure a safe climate with a just transition for workers, argues Alex Bainbridge.