Israel's war on Gaza

protesters outside Congress in Washington DC

In the US, United Auto Workers leader Shawn Fain is being targetted because of his union's stance against Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza and support for divestment and a just transition for workers in the war industry, reports Malik Miah.

Luke Mustafa Woods painting

Wiradjuri artist Luke Mustafa Woods, who is based in Djilang/Geelong, speaks to Tim Gooden about his art in solidarity with Palestine.

US aircaft carrier

Hawaiian activists are calling on nations who condemn the genocide in Gaza to withdraw from Rim of the Pacific war games, illegally hosted on Hawaiian land.

As Gillian Segal has a track record of insisting that legitimate criticism of Israel is antisemitic, it is more likely that she will be an envoy for promoting racism and division, argues Janet Parker.

Julian Assange should never have been jailed and tortured for helping Chelsea Manning expose United States war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq. Their freedom means the West is failing to silence dissent.

Peter Dutton joined Zionist and far-right groups ramping up attacks pro-Palestinian protests and Muslim communities in the wake of unrelated stabbing incidents. Peter Boyle reports. 

The Anthony Albanese government’s treatment of Palestinian refugees escaping the genocide in Gaza presents another blatant example of state-sponsored racism, argues Jonathan Strauss.

Family for Palestine say it is vital to speak up for children and families of Gaza, who are forced to endure unspeakable mental and physical torment. Aneesa Bhamjee reports.

Nick Riemer and Markela Panegyres argue that universities should insist on science and knowledge serving the cause of peace and human progress, and not fuel the arms race.

Suzanne Weiss, a Jewish Holocaust survivor, socialist activist and author, condemned Israel for turning Gaza into a “death camp”.

Thousands rallied to protest Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza despite threats and intimidation by the Chris Minns' NSW Labor government. Peter Boyle reports.


Israel's politicians have always managed to unify around "security", writes Ramzy Baroud. But the cracks are widening.