Fossil fuels

Prime Minister Scott Morrison made Australia even more of a climate pariah at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, argues Sarah Hathway.

Climate expert, Australian National University emeritus professor and Climate Council member Will Steffen speaks to Green Left about climate science and politics in the lead up to the COP26 United Nations climate summit in Glasgow.

With new fossil fuel corporations finding it increasingly difficult to find the finance, the Scott Morrison government has come to the rescue with public subsidies. Margaret Gleeson reports.

Climate action has never been a priority for Scott Morrison. He'd rather conspire with imperialist powers against China than face the music at COP26. Markela Panegyres reports.

Climate activists disrupted, locked on to and boarded a seismic testing ship in the port of Geelong on its way to search for new oil and gas deposits off the coast of King Island. Sue Bull reports.

The federal government is not off the hook as UNESCO's World Heritage Committee will again vote on whether or not to put the Great Barrier Reef on the “in danger” list next year. Margaret Gleeson reports.

Jim McIlroy reports on a week of actions against the proposed Kurri Kurri gas plant.

Extinction Rebellion is targetting the National Australia Bank for its record investment in fossil fuels despite the climate crisis. Kerry Smith reports.

The United Nations has designated Australia as having done the least out of 193 countries to combat climate change. Patrick McDonald reports.

The Adani mine is seven years behind schedule and the Big Four banks and many insurance companies have ruled out investing in the project. Jim McIlroy and Richard Boult report on the #StopAdani Roadshow. 

Wind is now one of the cheapest energy solutions, but the federal resources minister has vetoed help for a new wind farm in Far North Queensland. John Pratt reports.

The International Energy Agency has ruffled feathers by calling for no investment in new fossil fuel supply projects, writes Margaret Gleeson.