
UNITED STATES: March for immigrant amnesty NEW YORK — Nearly 3000 people marched on May 1 in New York City to demand a general amnesty for undocumented immigrants and better conditions for all workers. The march was part of a national day of
SOUTH AFRICA: Millions strike over job losses Close to 4 million workers in South Africa joined a national strike against job losses on May 10, according to the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU). Around 400,000 strikers marched
Before dawn on May 4, some 300 US federal agents — backed by a large Marine presence offshore — began clearing protesters from the US Navy's bombing ranges on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques. The agents removed 216 protesters from the 14
BY JOHN GAUCI SYDNEY — "The goal of our union is to create prosperity as a welfare state similar to that of Europe or the US", Indonesian union leader Muchtar Pakpahan told 50 unionists gathered in the Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous
SAN FRANCISCO — The demonstrations in November-December in Seattle against the World Trade Organisation (WTO) have rightly inspired activists in the labour movement. Many have commented on the coming together of youth and students concerned about
BY NORM DIXON The International Union of Agricultural, Food and Hotel Workers — which has 330 affiliated unions in 124 countries — has pledged to wage "a very strong" campaign on behalf the more than 9000 workers, mainly women, thrown out of
SOUTH AFRICA: Misdirected strategy weakens workers' movement JOHANNESBURG — The broad left (both in South Africa and internationally) has taken a cautious approach to critically analysing the program and activities of South Africa's largest and
An ugly coalition The week before the April 16-17 demonstrations against the WTO and IMF in Washington, the AFL-CIO leaders had their own rallies in Washington. One, called by the Teamsters union (part of the AFL-CIO), underscored an ugly new
BY SEAN HEALY As protesters from around the world were gathering outside his Washington, D.C., office on April 16, World Bank president James Wolfensohn was rehearsing his riposte: you're not the defenders of the poor, he would tell his critics, we
BRITAIN: Labour cracks down on asylum seekers LONDON — A plane hijacked by Afghan asylum seekers provided the pretext for a resurgence in overt racism against refugees, urged on by right-wing newspapers and Britain's Labour government. The social
Old CDS needed for East Timor Old CDs needed for East Timor The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union in Sydney is collecting old CDs for East Timor's only community radio station, Voice of Hope. The appeal was launched at a
KURDISTAN: Solidarity helps stop attacks on communists The following is abridged from a letter sent on April 20 by Rebwar Ahmed, secretary of the central committee of the Worker Communist Party of Iraq, to all those organisations which supported