
Lula da Sliva with Gaza destruction

Amid Israel’s ongoing military assault on Gaza, Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva declared on February 18 that Israel was carrying out “a genocide”. This drew condemnation from Israel and its far-right allies in Brazil, but also support from the left, reports Federico Fuentes.

town in Peru

High in the Peruvian Andes, in the southeastern region of Huancavelica, lies a brown, treeless mountaintop — the scars of the now-boarded-up Santa Bárbara mercury mine, whose legacy is social and environmental devastation, reports Ana Zorita.

Dr Mahrang Baloch speaking to a rally

When the young activist Dr Mahrang Baloch returned to her native Balochistan from Islamabad, tens of thousands defied a government ban on public assemblies to give her a hero’s welcome, report Matt Broomfield and Robin Fleming.


Yorgos Mitralias seeks to answer how it came about that the vast majority of Israeli citizens support and even applaud the genocidal war on the Palestinian people?

woman's face, child's face

Nancy Fraser is the author of, among other works, Cannibal Capitalism: How Our System Is Devouring Democracy, Care, and the Planet — and What We Can Do About It. She spoke with Green Left’s Federico Fuentes about the need to incorporate natural wealth and care work within our understanding of modern imperialism.

Leila Khaled mural in Palestine

Leila Khaled is an iconic Palestinian revolutionary activist living in exile. A member of the national committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and a representative on the Palestine National Council, she gave this exclusive interview to Green Left on February 18.

map of africa

Paul Gregoire argues that against the backdrop of efforts by the West and Israel to undermine the post World War II global order, the people’s revolt in West Africa takes on global significance.

Abdullah Ocalan

Nilüfer Koç writes that imprisoned Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan has become a symbol as well as an effective actor for progressive change in the Middle East — and must be freed.

protesters, woman's face

Green Left’s Federico Fuentes interviewed Viktoriia Pihul, a council member of Ukrainian democratic socialist organisation Social Movement, regarding the situation in Ukraine two years after the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion.

F-35 fighter jets

Following a Dutch appeals court ruling to halt the export and transit of all F-35 parts to Israel within seven days, the Netherlands' government is taking the matter to the country’s Supreme Court, reports Binoy Kampmark.

poster with f-35 jets

A Dutch court has ordered the Netherlands' government to cease exporting F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel that are being used in the war in Gaza, reports Kerry Smith.

man's face

Anti-war socialist Boris Kagarlitsky has been sentenced to five years’ jail on appeal, a harsh sentence his supporters say is due to his opposition to Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine, writes Federico Fuentes.