
Mental health nurses from Belmont, John Hunter, Morriset, Maitland and the Waratah Mental Health branch are calling for a real wage rise and better conditions. Kerry Smith reports.

Video from the 2000-strong rally in Meanjin/Brisbane to commemorate the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba and to protest Israel's current terror in Sheikh Jarrah. 

Brisbane. Photo: Alex Bainbridge

Thousands turned out to protests around Australia to commemorate the Nakba, the Catastrophe, when Israel began its ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948, reports Alex Bainbridge.

Precarious bookshop workers are fighting for better working conditions and rights, reports Isaac Nellist.

Residents are continuing to call on the NSW government to stop its destruction of public housing in Glebe and Eveleigh. Rachel Evans reports.

More than 100 people gathered to demand an end to sexism and for justice for survivors, reports Jim McIlroy.

Rachel Evans reports on a snap action outside the ABC offices to demand the media cover Israeli attacks on Palestinian communities in Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem.

West Papuan refugees and solidarity activists want the Australian Federal Police to stop training killers, reports Kerry Smith.

Activists want NSW MPs to support a new bill which would cancel unused gas exploration licences. Jim McIlroy reports. 

Jim McIlroy reports on big march of Colombian-Australians in solidarity with the victims of state violence in Colombia.

More than 100 people took part in a “Tour de Carmichael”, a 105-kilometre cycle for Country through sacred Wangan and Jagalingou land to Adani’s coal mine site, reports Kerry Smith

The family of Wayne 'Fella' Morrison, who was killed in custody, are pushing for torture devices to be banned. Renfrey Clarke reports.