
University leaderships have a lot of work ahead of them to convince researchers of the worth of AUKUS, argues Rowan Cahill.

Renfrey Clarke argues that migrants are, unfortunately, the easy-to-blame scapegoats for a system that has lacked the vision and ability to provide affordable housing. 

Regardless of whether Australia acquires any nuclear-powered vessels, the rest of the AUKUS deal, including interoperability with the United States, is already underway. Paul Gregoire reports.

Suzanne James talks to NSW Greens Senator and defence spokesperson David Shoebridge about Australia’ unconscionable arming of Israel as it commits genocide in Gaza.

Judy Mundey, a long-term campaigner, told a Save Greater Sydney Coalition protest that she doubts Labor’s pro-developer rezoning plan and that public housing is no more an extravagant concept than public health care and public education.

Despite the campaign to defund UNRWA, donor states realise the humanitarian incentive to ameliorate Gazans’ suffering must take precedence over Israel’s allegations. Australia is an exception, as Binoy Kampmark reports.

Labor is playing a game over Gaza. To claim to support a ceasefire while arming and giving political cover to the perpetrators of genocide is sick cynicism, argues Sam Wainwright.

Max Chandler-Mather

Green Left’s Fred Fuentes and former GL editor Stuart Munckton spoke with Australian Greens housing spokesperson and federal member for Griffith Max Chandler-Mather about housing, Palestine solidarity, the nature of parliament and how the Greens are seeking to rebuild mass politics.

Binoy Kampmark writes the event was a salutatory reminder that the plight of Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder who remains in Belmarsh Prison in London, has become one of immediate concern.

Protest for Palestine in Gadigal/Sydney. Photo: Peter Boyle

Morality and justice are not determined by body counts but a fraction of history shows Israel as a militarised, apartheid state which cultivates violent racism towards another people, argues Stuart Rees.

Women deserve to be safe, respected, equal

Anthony Albanese’s refusal to tackle structural disadvantage reveals his “commitment to gender equality” is a farce, argues Isaac Nellist.

Nick Riemer and Markela Panegyres argue that universities should insist on science and knowledge serving the cause of peace and human progress, and not fuel the arms race.