Boris Kagarlitsky

man's face

Anti-war socialist Boris Kagarlitsky has been sentenced to five years’ jail on appeal, a harsh sentence his supporters say is due to his opposition to Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine, writes Federico Fuentes.

Socialist Alliance adds it voice to the growing international chorus demanding the immediate release of Russian socialist Boris Kagarlitsky and the dropping of the trumped-up charge of “justifying terrorism”. 

Release Boris Kagarlitsky

Internationally renowned Marxist sociologist and anti-war socialist Boris Kagarlitsky is currently being held in a Russian pre-trial detention centre and faces the possibility of up to 7 years’ jail if found guilty of the trumped-up charge of “justifying terrorism”. Federico Fuentes reports.

Boris Kagarlitsky

Boris Kagarlitsky discusses the domestic factors behind Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine and the role of the left in anti-war organising.