
For environmentalists, Indigenous rights activists, feminists, socialists and all progressive people, Latin America is a source of hope and inspiration today. The people of Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Ecuador and El Salvador, among others, are showing that radical social change is possible and a better, more just society can be imagined and built.
You may have seen the photo in last week’s Green Left Weekly of the right-wing “Tea Party” movement supporter in Washington DC. The placard he was holding said, in reference to President Barack Obama, “Impeach the Muslim Marxist”. The article discussed the rise of right-wing politics in the US.
Green Left Weekly has a long and proud tradition of covering the many struggles for justice waged by Aboriginal people and their supporters.
Israel: Most back anti-Arab ethnic cleansing "A survey conducted by the Israeli Knesset channel shows that 75 percent of Israeli Jews are in favour of deporting Israeli-Arab citizens to a future Palestinian state as part of any deal between the
United States President — and Nobel Peace Laureate — Barack Obama will spend nearly US$1 trillion on war this year.
James and Erica Packer have just had a baby. Luckily this time it's a boy.
The letter from Clare Sambrook last week on the detention of children (GLW #823) mistakenly said the writer was from Scotland. She is in fact from England. Scotland has, in fact, stopped detaining children and Scots Parliament is doing a good job
Green Left Weekly has a long and proud tradition of covering the many struggles for justice waged by Aboriginal people and their supporters. This has especially been the case since the Northern Territory intervention was introduced, with GLW journalists making trips to Central Australia to make contact with, and report on, the communities resisting the paternalistic policies.
More US soldier deaths by suicide than combat "[Mental health expert] Zul Merali said while more than 4,500 U.S. military personnel have died in combat since the beginning of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, 'a larger number are falling when
You’ve got to love Fox News. It’s like the saying on the t-shirt: “Is that the truth or did you see it on Fox”?
Bob Lutz, senior General Motors executive, thinks global warming “has nothing to do with CO2” and “everything to do with solar activity”, the January 21 Sydney Morning Herald said.
United States: 'Post-racial' reality "According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in November 2009 unemployment for whites was 9.3%, but 15.6% for Blacks … Long-term unemployment … is twice as high for African Americans. "Black