Mexicans protest against Trump in large marches across country

February 16, 2017
Mexico City, February 13.

Tens of thousands of Mexicans protested in more than 20 cities on February 12 against US President Donald Trump. Marchers hit back at Trump’s anti-Mexican rhetoric and his depictions of them as “rapists” and “criminals”, demanding “the respecting of Mexico”.

“Mexico must be respected, Mr Trump,” said a giant banner carried by protesters in Mexico City, who waved a sea of red, white and green Mexican flags as they marched down the capital’s main avenue.

Dozens of universities, business associations and civic organisations backed what was Mexico’s largest anti-Trump protest yet.

“It is time we citizens combine forces and unite our voices to show our indignation and rejection of President Trump, while contributing to the search for concrete solutions,” said the coalition behind the marches.

Protester Julieta Rosas, a literature student at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) ,wearing a T-shirt with a picture of Trump sporting an Adolf Hitler mustache, said: “We’re here to make Trump see and feel that an entire country, united, is rising up against him and his xenophobic, discriminatory and fascist stupidity.

“We are all migrants,” said 73-year-old protester Jose Antonio Sanchez, who was marching with his nine-year-old granddaughter. “We are all one. This is a time to build bridges, not walls.”

[Reprinted from Common Dreams.]

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