
Around 100 people attended the sold-out Brisbane premiere of the lively new climate action documentary Walanbaa Ngiiyani/Stronger Together, on May 25, reports Jim McIlroy.

Students demand that UQ divests from Israeli weapons companies

The University of Queensland committed to disclosing financial and research partnerships with weapons manufactures in return for the UQ Gaza solidarity camp shutting down. Sam Morris reports.

Protesters occupy Graham Perrett's office

Pro-Palestine protesters occupied Labor MP Graham Perrett's office as part of a national day of action. Kerry Smith reports.

1500 UQ students vote to divest from apartheid Israel

Students voted overwhelmingly for the University of Queensland to cut ties with weapons manufacturers and divest from Israel at a 1500 strong meeting. Sam Morris reports.

David Robie joins the Green Left Show to discuss the current revolt in Kanaky/New Caledonia.

Palestinian-Australian doctor Noor Aljassim addressed a protest outside the Australian College of Anaesthetist’s annual conference where Zionist anaesthesiologist Professor Carolyn Weinger was given a platform. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Greens federal housing spokesperson and Griffith MP Max Chandler-Mather spoke with Stuart Munckton and Federico Fuentes about the opportunities for transformative politics today.

Students for Palestine at UQ

Students at the newly-formed Gaza solidarity encampment rallied against Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the University of Queensland. Sam Morris reports.

Palestine will be free: Student encampment begins at UQ

A Gaza solidarity encampment has recent been set up at the University of Queensland. Photos by Alex Bainbridge.

The Blockade Ferra campaign prevented all deliveries from going in or out

The Ferra Engineering factory in Magan-djin/Brisbane was one of several targets of an internationally coordinated day of disruptive action against genocidal Israel on April 15. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Community First campaigners with Renee Lees at prepoll

The Queensland Greens increased their representation on the Brisbane City Council and won significant swings in other wards at the local government election. Alex Bainbridge reports.

End genocide: Free Palestine

Protesters blocked the road next to the Queensland parliament on March 7 as part of the campaign to Shut Down Ferra. Alex Bainbridge reports.