The family of a Black teenager who died in custody they would not rest until they get justice and are pushing the WA government to “act now” to stop another death in custody. Nova Sobieralski reports.
Issue 1392
The Australian government's policy is appalling but the people of Melbourne's northern suburbs support Gaza, Sue Bolton told Green Left.
Judging by the toots of support for Palestine at the “Northern Suburbs Speak Out for Palestine”, people are standing with the Palestinian people. Sue Bolton reports.
Protests have erupted for Palestine around the world, with hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets in major cities. Please send your photos to
Protesters called on Labor not to continue to publicly fund Origin Energy, the owner of Eraring power station. Jim McIlroy reports.
Hundreds of health workers from Liverpool Hospital held a snap protest against the Israeli bombing of the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City. Paula Sanchez reports.
The Palestinian community in Australia feel totally betrayed by the Anthony Albanese Labor government in the latest escalation of the war on Palestine, reports Peter Boyle.
Gunnai Gunditjmara and Djab Wurrung woman and Independent Victorian Senator Lidia Thorpe described the No vote as a win for the sovereign rights of First Peoples to determine their own destiny. Kerry Smith reports.
Thousands rallied to protest Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza despite threats and intimidation by the Chris Minns' NSW Labor government. Peter Boyle reports.
Several thousand people marched through Meanjin to demand an end to the inhumane Israeli blockade and bombardment of Gaza. Sam Morris reports.
Independent MP for Wollondilly Judy Hannan was recognised for improving the position of elected female representatives. Suzanne James reports.
A successful housing summit bought campaigners together to discuss the problems and canvass solutions. Rachel Evans and Virginia Gawler report.
Palestinian-Australians and supporters gathered in Murray Street Mall to protest Israel’s continuing attacks on Gaza. Nova Sobieralski reports.
Prominent Australians have joined the global call on the government of Turkey to free Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, reports Peter Boyle.
NSW Labor is pulling out all stops to intimidate Palestinian Australians and their supporters from protesting Israel’s horrific attack on the 2.3 million inhabitants of the Gaza Strip. Pip Hinman reports
Hundreds attended a forum to discuss why fossil fuel projects should not be given the go-ahead in a time of climate crisis. Niko Leka reports.
Federal public service workers in Services Australia, incorporating Centrelink, went on strike for 24 hours in support of their claim for an improved pay offer. Jim McIlroy reports.
Kurdish community members held a media conference on the steps of Parliament House to amplify calls for Kurdish political prisoner Abdullah Öcalan to be freed. Gabriel Di Falco reports.
Climate activist Jay Larbalestier was resentenced after police were found to have provided false information in his arrest at a climate protest in April last year. Susan Price reports.
More than 1000 people marched to the Opera House demanding an end to Israel’s occupation of Palestine, reports Isaac Nellist.
The principle of “one person one vote” took a big leap forward in the City of Sydney last week with the abolition of double votes for business, writes Andrew Chuter.
Palestinian human rights activist and co-founder of the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement, Omar Barghouti was joined by author and journalist Antony Loewenstein for a webinar, hosted by Jews Against the Occupation and the Tzedek Collective. Jim McIlroy and Laurie MacSween report.
This joint statement, led by Amnesty International Australia, is seeking organisational signatories. It plans to present the statement to federal Labor in the week beginning October 23.
Please sign this petition which was initiated by members from the NSW National Tertiary Education Union and NSW Nurses and Midwives Association.
The Western media was and is enthusiastically cheerleading Israel's genocidal attacks, writes Alex Bainbridge.
Apartheid Israel has ordered 1 million Palestinians to leave the northern part of Gaza on pain of death. Gideon Polya reports on the projected Palestinian/Israeli death ratios in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
The federal government has rushed to secure the evacuation of Israeli-Australians but Palestinian-Australians are not receiving the same assistance. Khalid Ghannam reports.
While Labor Premier Chris Minns has announced a new depenalisation scheme, he has pulled back from Labor's bolder decriminalisation ideas floated before the election. Paul Gregoire reports.
Most First Nations people have rightly felt the result of the Voice referendum as a slap in the face, but the movement needs to look forward and continue to pressure Labor to implement the Statement from the Heart in full, argues Peter Boyle.
It is not the time to be silent, argues Amy McQuire. We must recentre this No vote on what we already know is true: racism and white supremacy. we must stand not only for each other, but our Indigenous brothers and sisters in Palestine.
Refugees will converge on Parliament House lawns to again call for permanent visas. More than 12,000 refugees on are seeking permanent visas. Jane Salmon reports.
No-one with a conscience can watch Israel’s bombardment of Gaza and not feel horrified. Sue Bull argues for an immediate ceasefire and a just political resolution which includes Palestinians’ right to self-determination and an end to Israel’s occupation.
Socialist Alliance Sydney is calling on the NSW government to guarantee the right to protest for the Free Palestine rally on October 15.
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union national secretary Zach Smith told the national Housing Justice Summit about the unions campaign for a super profits tax to build housing.
Greens MP for Griffith and housing spokesperson Max Chandler-Mather addresses the national Housing Justice Summit in Gadi/Sydney.
Healthcare workers in the United States won a tentative agreement with industry giant, Kaiser Permanente on October 13, for a 21% pay rise over four years and other improvements following their historic three-day strike, reports Malik Miah.
Author, economist and political activist Michael Roberts spoke to Green Left’s Federico Fuentes about the realities of imperialism today and how much — or how little — has changed since Vladimir Lenin wrote his book on the subject.
As the Israeli state intensifies its bombing of the Gaza Strip, including targeting hospitals and civilians fleeing its genocidal attack, Cubans reaffirmed their solidarity with the Palestinian people, reports Susan Price.
Birzeit University in Palestine's West Bank is calling on international academic institutions to take concrete action to stop the genocidal war on the Palestinian people and to end Israeli settler colonialism.
More than 100,000 people mobilised in Rome, Italy on October 10 in defence of social gains under threat from the country's far-right government. Franco Turigliatto analyses the significance of the demonstration.
Palestinian trade unions have issued an urgent global call to action, calling on workers everywhere to halt the sale and funding of arms to Israel — and related military research.
As Israel’s bombardment of Gaza continues and its ground invasion looms, left parties from India, the Philippines and Malaysia stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people’s right to self determination and call for a political solution — not more loss of life, reports Susan Price.
The international community's silence to the Palestinian reality cannot continue, writes Hana Thomas.
Ties between Canadian police and Apartheid Israel's security forces run deep, and mean Palestinians in Canada are being demonised and treated as a threat, reports Jeff Shantz.
Berlin’s grassroots housing movement Deutsche Wohnen Enteignen (Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen, DWE) launched its new campaign on September 26 for a legally binding referendum to expropriate housing from corporate landlords, reports Ben Radford.
A mass movement has erupted in Pakistani-administered Jammu and Kashmir against spiralling energy and food prices, report Farooq Sulehria and Harris Qadeer.
Independent investigative journalist, filmmaker and best-selling author Antony Loewenstein spoke about his latest book, How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World, on Green Left Radio. Ruth Heymann reports.
The police crackdown on independent media platform NewsClick in India, on October 3, is the latest attempt by the Narendra Modi government to stifle journalists and critics of his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) regime, reports Isaac Nellist.
Amid rising tensions in the Asia-Pacific, Japan’s government is ramping up defence spending. Japanese revolutionary socialist Akira Kato discusses the background to this move with Green Left’s Federico Fuentes.
As Israel enacts a genocidal war on Gaza, the words of Palestinian-American poet and physician Fady Joudah echo in my mind, writes Markela Panegyres.
There are big bucks in outsourcing society’s problems to the individual. writes Tamara Pearson.
Isaac Nellist reviews a new ABC production about the struggle of refugees living on temporary visas, climate change and the importance of community.