More than 2,000 civilians were slaughtered by Sri Lankan Army shelling on the night of May 9, Tamilnet.com reported.
SYDNEY— Two thousand people rallied in Hyde Park on May 3 to mark May Day. The crowd included contingents from trade unions, left-wing organisations and progressive campaign groups.
SYDNEY — Anti-war protesters spoke out in the city on May 8 against the 450 extra soldiers being sent to Afghanistan as part of the Australian government’s commitment to the US-NATO war alliance.
The federal Labor government’s pre-election promise to abolish anti-worker Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs) has once again been exposed as a lie.
On April 30, the US state department released its 2008 Country Reports on Terrorism.
The National Tertiary Education Union (Tasmania) sent its log of claims to the University of Tasmania’s management almost a year ago. Despite numerous meetings between the NTEU and management, little has been achieved.
SYDNEY — A network of trade union activists concerned about climate change has formed in Sydney.
More than 40 Australian academics have signed a statement calling for a boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions.
Supporters of El Savador’s left-wing Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) stormed parliament on May 1 in protest against attempts to impose a right-wing deputy as Congress president.
A huge mobilisation of up to a million workers took place in Caracas on May 1 — the international workers’ day.
PERTH — Demonstrators wore “nuclear warheads” while percussion band Junkadelik gave extra life to a spirited protest outside the Australian Uranium Summit on May 7. The 100-strong action was organised by the Anti-Nuclear Alliance of WA.
Since the global economic crisis began, there has been a sharp fall in global demand for steel, resulting in more competition between steel makers.