The culture of contentment By John Kenneth Galbraith Sinclair Stevenson (Britain), 1992. $39.95 Reviewed by Scott Wasley Veteran economist John Kenneth Galbraith deals with the attitudes and political power of the large "class" of the
Kennett's sharp edge The first two weeks of the Victorian Kennett Liberal government have given a sharp edge to politics that even its powerful backers are worried about. The pro-Liberal Australian editorialised that Kennett had already
By Peter Boyle The Avalon Airshow (primarily a bazaar for military-related aeronautical equipment and systems) does not begin in that sleepy Victorian town until October 21. But already big deals are being made for warplanes. Defence minister
Europe in the grip of austerity Swedish Social Democrats back cuts By Dick Forslund STOCKHOLM — "They looked like two songbirds sitting together on a branch — and with about the same brain power." This was one Swedish writer's comments
Big success for Alliance in Auckland elections By Keith Locke AUCKLAND — I've never seen business leaders and conservative politicians so glum. For decades, they have ruled local politics in Auckland, but in October 12 elections for four
Distant Voices By John Pilger Vintage. 397 pp. $14.95 Reviewed by Frank Noakes "Unless prejudice is countered, it is reinforced. Unless misconceptions are corrected, they become received truth." — Distant Voices George Orwell wrote in
Tributes Tributes and messages of condolence for Jim Percy received as of Sunday, October 18 (We will publish a range of these in future issues): Aliansi Kekuatan Demokratik Se-Indonesia (AKSI, Indonesian Democratic Something Alliance), Central
South Sydney Festival By Peter Anderson SYDNEY — Redfern and the area of South Sydney in general has had its share of bad press and negative public opinion. Residents have also suffered the attempted closure of the Royal Prince Alfred
ABC team ordered out of Bougainville Heavily armed Papua New Guinea soldiers on October 17 forced an Australian Broadcasting Corporation television news crew to leave Bougainville at gunpoint. The crew, which included the well-known Port
Los Angeles youth speak out By Adam Hanieh ADELAIDE — Helena Swan and George Evans, two young people from Central Los Angeles who are touring Australia to inform people about life in Los Angeles after the riots, spoke to a Resistance
Bigots seek state funding By Rose Matthews HOBART — A group cynically calling itself "For a Caring Tasmania" (FACT) has formed to campaign against homosexuality. It originates in conservative elements of the church. FACT chair David Fry
Liberals bomb out on job creation By Dave Wright HOBART — At a time when the state Liberal government is slashing more than 1100 public sector jobs, a new job subsidy program has failed to create a single job. The "Tas Jobs for Youth"